Can I administer vaccinations to my own dog instead of going to vet?

For instance I would like to save 50$ by purchacing vaccinations (rabies and rubella) online for only 7$ and administering to my dog via needle injection. Are there qualifications for doing these types of procedures?

    Can I administer vaccinations to my own dog instead of going to vet?

    For instance I would like to save 50$ by purchacing vaccinations (rabies and rubella) online for only 7$ and administering to my dog via needle injection. Are there qualifications for doing these types of procedures?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can I administer vaccinations to my own dog instead of going to vet?...

    • I think you should have someone show you how to administer the shot. some (like rabies) you will still have to go to the vet for every three years. you can also consider taking your dog to a low cost shot clinic, it's cheaper then the vet and you don't have to learn how to give a shot. I still like to take my dog to the vet - he can check him out and make sure there are no developing problems.

    • Technically, yes. However, the rabies will not be recognized by authorities if your dog is accused of biting someone. In that case they may impound or destroy it.Also, although it is rare sometimes a dog will have a severe reaction to the shot. In that case it will likely die, since there is no vet there to treat it. I know of one dog that this has happened to.Anyways, your dog still needs it's annual checkup. Many vets (like mine) include the shots in the price, so it costs the same whether you get the shots or not.I have 12 dogs, and things are tight, but this is one area I don't cut corners on. I have them vaccinated by the vet.

    • NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Please trust me on this! If you don't know what you're doing you could harm your pet (Quite frankly, based on the "rubella" part of your statement, it is obvious to me that you do not have any training in this). Furthermore, in several states it is illegal for anyone but a veterinarian to administer a rabies vaccine. I am not saying this to make you go to the vet and spend $$$. I am telling you this for the safety of your pet.Look, I'm not going to lecture you any further but please go visit the following site for good reasons not to vaccinate your pet yourself:

    • Before even trying it, read what the Wisconsin University says about vaccinations newest recommendations for vaccines are at the American Animal Hospital Association. This is the protocol used by all 27 vet schools in the U.S.

    • Dogs don't get vaccinated for rubella....It's a human illness.Rabies must be given by a licensed veterinarian. This is a federal guideline. If your dog bites or is bitten, without proof of rabies vaccination, he could be put into quarantine or euthanized to test for rabies. Also, vaccines require the system to provide an immune response. Sometimes, the response is an allergic reaction which needs to be treated immediately.Lastly, there are vaccine tumors which occur when vaccines are given in the wrong spot. These tumors can be removed, but they do come back and often take the animals life.Discount vaccines often have efficacy issues. Don't risk your dog's health. Try to remember that the vet went to school for a minimum of 8 years to provide medical care for your pet. It's worth the cost.

    • yes pretty much all their vaccines except rabies which you need a certificate for. Go to your closest feed store they have it already to go you just lit the skin on the back o your dogs neck and inject they dont eel a thing

    • we give our dogs their shots..we get them at tsc or a farm store and you can get at the vet..but for the rabies shot it has to be given by a vet..cause they will document it..and you get a cute little tag..also be sure you document anything you give them to be safe..

    • you can administer all the vacs except rabies. You can go to your local vet a purchase the vacs. online vacs do not have a guarantee, when they are shipped they may not be stored right(temp wise), and may not have the same potency. The meds that are sent to the vets have the guarantee. The rabies vac needs to be done by the veterinarian. This will insure you later on if the dog was to bite someone. By you giving the rabies vac yourself you will have no record of it except a receipt from where you purchased the product. This still will not protect you. The other vacs you will need to check the dogs temp. If it has a high temp then you don't need to give the dog it's vac until the temp goes down to normal. sometimes with a high temp the vac will not work. I purchased my dogs vacs from the vet. It only cost me about or no more than $20. They will tell you how to do it.