How to help diarrhea in my dog?

I've had my dog since Wednesday. The vet said it's probably from the stress, but I'd figure he'd be getting better by now. His poop ranges from water to almost solid sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help? He does have another vet appointment in…

    How to help diarrhea in my dog?

    I've had my dog since Wednesday. The vet said it's probably from the stress, but I'd figure he'd be getting better by now. His poop ranges from water to almost solid sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help? He does have another vet appointment in…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to help diarrhea in my dog?...

    • How to help diarrhea in my dog?

      How to help diarrhea in my dog? General Dog Discussions
      I've had my dog since Wednesday. The vet said it's probably from the stress, but I'd figure he'd be getting better by now. His poop ranges from water to almost solid sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help? He does have another vet appointment in 1.5 weeks and if he's still bad by then I'll bring it up again.He came from the pound and has sarcoptic mange from there. Could those be causes of it too?

      How to help diarrhea in my dog?

      How to help diarrhea in my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • try putting him on a bland diet of plain cooked white rice mixed with boiled chicken or hamburger. feed him several small portions a day, and stop feeding him any other food. see if this helps. if it doesn't stop in 3 days, you really should contact the vet again.

    • you can try skipping a meal to give his tummy a rest. that's what the vet told me to do when my pup had diarrhea. has he been dewormed? mange doesn't generally cause diarrhea. if it continues to be water, he could dehydrate easily. give him lots of water and ice cubes. if he gets lethargic, or isn't drinking, you will need to get him into the vet soon.

    • Twice a day serve your dog a cup or so of brown rice, which acts as a binder. You can make it more appealing to your dog by flavoring it with a little chicken or beef broth, or mixing in a spoonful of cottage cheese or a scrambled egg.Most cases of ordinary diarrhea clear up in a day or two. You'll know your dog has gotten over it when he skips one of his regular pooping sessions.If the diarrhea persists, call your vet; it could the sign of a more serious problem.