new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat?

The vet said the cat would be fine, but he now has diarrhea. Can I give him the puppies meds? What can I do to make it better for him until his vet visit. I asked the vet and he said no worries it wouldn't transfer and then charged me $120.00 for…

    new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat?

    The vet said the cat would be fine, but he now has diarrhea. Can I give him the puppies meds? What can I do to make it better for him until his vet visit. I asked the vet and he said no worries it wouldn't transfer and then charged me $120.00 for…...
    General Dog Discussions : new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat?...

    • new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat?

      new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat? General Dog Discussions
      The vet said the cat would be fine, but he now has diarrhea. Can I give him the puppies meds? What can I do to make it better for him until his vet visit. I asked the vet and he said no worries it wouldn't transfer and then charged me $120.00 for inconclusive tests and meds and now my cat has it and I don't think I should have to pay for the test or meds for the cat. When I asked if he could get it from ther dog the vet said no. He did a day later and I am mad because my baby is suffering needlessly when he could have been treated. The dog was fine for a few days as soon as she got diarrhea I separeted them, but it was to late my cat was going to end up with tummy troubles anyway. Now the cat is sick and the dog is better. I am mad that he has to go through this crap. PUN INTENDED! What should I do to help my baby and what should the vet do to make it up to him? What's done is done, could have should have would have. I need advice for my cat and how to deal with the vet.

      new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat?

      new puppy with diarrhea she being treated, what do I do for my cat? General Dog Discussions
    • i would say to call a pharmacy and talk to a pharmacist and ask him to see if the same medicine could be used for the cat. he might not tell you to do it though because its medicine for the dog prescribed to the dog. you will just have to take him into see the vet. talk to the vet and explain like he is a 2 year old about what you wrote above.i have 3 cats. i would do the same. after this is over , i would get a new vet. call a friend that has pets. see who they recommend.

    • The vet may be taking your money and not be competent. I use boiled apples, carrots and rice mixed with dry food for the dog if it has diarrhea...lots of cool water helps.For my cat I use rice mixed with cat food and a little of some favorite food...but I never use the same medicine for the very different animals.I have heard that Gerber rice cereal is a quick substitute if you don't have time to steam some rice.