Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine?

Whenever I apply my flea medicine to my dog, she lays on the floor and tries to rub it off and after a while (about 5 mins) she will stop and lay there. When she is laying there she will start to shiver/shake a little bit, stop, then do it again. Why…

    Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine?

    Whenever I apply my flea medicine to my dog, she lays on the floor and tries to rub it off and after a while (about 5 mins) she will stop and lay there. When she is laying there she will start to shiver/shake a little bit, stop, then do it again. Why…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine?...

    • Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine?

      Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine? General Dog Discussions
      Whenever I apply my flea medicine to my dog, she lays on the floor and tries to rub it off and after a while (about 5 mins) she will stop and lay there. When she is laying there she will start to shiver/shake a little bit, stop, then do it again. Why does she do that? It looks like it hurts.

      Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine?

      Why does my dog shiver after I apply her flea medicine? General Dog Discussions
    • Some dogs are very sensitive to some of the flea medications. She not be tolerating this particular one very well. Talk to your vet about this and see what they recommend as perhaps a replacement for the brand your using..