How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined?

We have an almost 2 year old Mini Eskimo that is an excellent pet, well trained, but very submissive by nature. About 3 weeks ago, we started having issues with her peeing in the house. It would always happen we she was being scolded or right when we…

    How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined?

    We have an almost 2 year old Mini Eskimo that is an excellent pet, well trained, but very submissive by nature. About 3 weeks ago, we started having issues with her peeing in the house. It would always happen we she was being scolded or right when we…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined?...

    • How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined?

      How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined? General Dog Discussions
      We have an almost 2 year old Mini Eskimo that is an excellent pet, well trained, but very submissive by nature. About 3 weeks ago, we started having issues with her peeing in the house. It would always happen we she was being scolded or right when we got home from being gone. For instance 20 minutes ago, my wife took her outside, walked her into our fenced-in backyard, she ran around for several minutes, and never peed. Wife lets her back in the house, she runs to the bedroom where I was at, jumps on the bed into some clean clothes, I reach for the clothes, give her a stern 'No', and pull her off the bed. She left behind a large amount of urine all over the bed...I would be more understanding if she hadn't just been outside... I get that its submissive urnination, but I can't comprehend why she seems to store it up for when she's in trouble. This has literally only happened probably 4 times over the course of these 3 weeks... but I'm to the point that I'm worried she's becoming conditioned for this reaction. Also when we let her out to pee (both at random and when she asks to), she has an affinity for staying on the porch and not heading to the grass to go at all. But if you walk her to the grass she'll typically go... Why the reluctancy? Yard has a 6' fence all around, she's never acts scared of anything out there, and asks to go out regularly but just to sit on the porch. Btw, when I say 'porch' I actually mean the 2 steps down to the patio... Its strange to me that this is happening to a 2 year old dog that was housebroken after 2 weeks of receiveing her... and hadn't had an accident for over a year. Just trying to make certain that there isn't some underlying issue that could be causing this...BTW - Please don't be a moron and post 'Just stop scaring her' and 'You should never yell or raise your voice'. I have be a dog owner for over 20 years and I have a BS in Wildlife Ecology and Management, I get how dogs work and, until this situation, understand their behavioral quirks. Please respect that...Thanks!

      How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined?

      How can I prevent my dog from peeing when disciplined? General Dog Discussions
    • You may be the second coming, but you sure don't know much about submissive dogs.Got a submissive piddler in and it took a year for him to get over it, but get over it he did with patience.You need to first get him to the vet for a urinalysis to rule out a utd.You absolutely need to neutralize every spot he's peed before in the house or he will go back to it - not clean, NEUTRALIZE, you get pet urine neutralizer in pet shops.You absolutely neve raise your voice or stomp head on towards a dog with this issue.SOMETHING you are doing has triggered his terror (if it isn't a uti, which it doesn't sound like, but make sure) and you now need to re-train him.Punishing or yelling after the fact just reinforces his terror. You say right off that he's submissive, then you terrorize him with your anger - not effective to say the least.You need a refresher course in dog behavior and "wildlike ecology management" doesn't teach you squat about pet dogs.A little compassion for the dog's fear wouldn't kill you, neither would a little humility. You don't know it all, nobody does, and I'm speaking simply from experience with submissive piddlers, not because I have degrees in totally unrelated fields.Note: I don't get why these dogs need so many "corrections" - what the heck are they doing that needs so much correcting? My dogs know the rules, they don't do anything destructive, so they don't need "correction" routinely. Something very weird about dogs and correction here. Train your dogs, teach them what's expected, bond with them - no need for "correction" then.

    • Any change in behavior needs a visit to the vet. Whenever a house trained dog starts using the house as a bathroom, tell s me that a potential medical problem can be an issue. If she has just started to unwillingly leave the porch, she could have some sensory issues like sight loss or even a pain issue since there are steps.At any rate medical issues have to be ruled out first.

    • I have been in your shoes, and it is very frustrating. We had to replace the floor in our dining room because our dog does the same thing. What worked for us was knowing her signals. We correct our dog until she gets low to the ground with her tail between her legs. If we push her too far, she will pee. If she does something very bad, and needs a stern correction we move her to the tile or we move her outside. I would also rule out a medical condition. My dog was having trouble urinating in the house, and we took her to the vet multiple times. Each time we were told it was a UTI and we were given a prescription. The UTI was resistent to the prescription, and the poor dog ended up with a severe kidney infection. If the urinating in the house in something that has developed recently, I would definitely take him/her to the vet. Good luck!