1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does?

She doesn't do it constantly but it concerns me because my other female dog never has this grooming habit. I can't afford to see a vet right now. What to do? What should I keep an eye out for?

    1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does?

    She doesn't do it constantly but it concerns me because my other female dog never has this grooming habit. I can't afford to see a vet right now. What to do? What should I keep an eye out for?...
    General Dog Discussions : 1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does?...

    • 1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does?

      1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does? General Dog Discussions
      She doesn't do it constantly but it concerns me because my other female dog never has this grooming habit. I can't afford to see a vet right now. What to do? What should I keep an eye out for?

      1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does?

      1 of my 2 spayed dog keeps licking her private area but the other one never does? General Dog Discussions
    • As long as there's no obvious nasty discharge back there, I'd maybe put this down to just her grooming habits. Some are more fastidious than others after all. However, do take a look because there could be something going on - if not an actual discharge some irritation/inflammation?