How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ?

Also on average ... if theres any vets out there or people who have had dogs experience then how much do you think it will cost my dogs ( Lhasa apso ) i got told of the vet its around 170 .. but im not sure if thats good or not thanks !!!

    How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ?

    Also on average ... if theres any vets out there or people who have had dogs experience then how much do you think it will cost my dogs ( Lhasa apso ) i got told of the vet its around 170 .. but im not sure if thats good or not thanks !!!...
    General Dog Discussions : How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ?...

    • How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ?

      How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ? General Dog Discussions
      Also on average ... if theres any vets out there or people who have had dogs experience then how much do you think it will cost my dogs ( Lhasa apso ) i got told of the vet its around 170 .. but im not sure if thats good or not thanks !!!

      How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ?

      How to treat cherry eye and the good and bad points of surgery .. ? General Dog Discussions
    • $170 is pretty cheap! Here its $450 just for one eye and that's not including anesthesia.My puppy has two cherry eyes so I looked it up on you-tube and saw videos of how they are pushed back into place. ( I do not recommended everyone go out and try it but...) I did it a couple of times and it worked for a while but not long-term. So, the two options are to either remove the tissue or to "tack" it in place with sutures. Removing the tissue can and will most likely cause dry-eye later in life. You'd have to put eye drops in your dog's eyes every day. The tacking procedure, from what I have read, can sometimes come undone and stronger stitches have to be used.If your dog isn't affected by it then I would suggest leaving it alone. Your dog's hair might be shaggy enough to conceal it. Just be sure to keep the eye area clean :)