Can dogs take Benadryl?

Can I give my dog Benadryl? He's about 6 pounds and is in a lot of pain. We don't see any obvious injuries or any significant trauma to his lower mandible.Please refer to my previous question.<3stranger.

    Can dogs take Benadryl?

    Can I give my dog Benadryl? He's about 6 pounds and is in a lot of pain. We don't see any obvious injuries or any significant trauma to his lower mandible.Please refer to my previous question.<3stranger....
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs take Benadryl?...

    • Benadryl is fine, but that's for allergies. My dog is a few pounds heavier he's 9lbs but you can give a half tablet of baby asprin. put it in cheese or some sort of treat that your dog will like to get him to eat it. I would recommend taking him to the vet, they may give you something better for the pain. Bendaryl will help calm him down and make him sleepy but make sure that it's baby/childrens benadryl. My dog suffers from allergies and this helps to stop the itching and calm him down. Good luck!

    • Benadryl is okay but it may not fix the problem. Did he go out while you were napping? Could it maybe be a snake bite? He really needs to be seen by a vet. I would give some children's liquid benadryl if you have it, about 3 cc's and then take him to the vet.

    • At the moment I feel like screaming! For the love of God people, DO NOT give advice on a whim!! Where do you get these answers? Some are close, but most are completely inaccurate!!TO REITERATE: The dog was just fine, owner took a nap (naps are not generally several hours in length), and when he woke up the dog had the symptoms described. ++This is absolutely indicative of a severe allergic reaction!! GET BENADRYL ON BOARD RIGHT NOW AT THE RECOMMENDED DOSEAGE (Dosage is 10 mg for dogs under 30lbs, 25mg for dogs 30-50lbs, and 50mg for dogs over 50lbs.)Another point - If you care at all about that dog, once you have administered the Benadryl, get it to the vet! If it IS an allergic reaction and it gets worse, the airway could become blocked and the dog will die. You decide.

    • Obviously people didn't take the time to read your previous post/question. Without witnessing the progression of this problem, and in the absence of an exam, I'm thinking that any pain he's having is most likely secondary to swelling of the mandible due to a bite or a contact dermatitis situation - less likely to be something he ate as the airway would be compromised. Yes, your little dog can take Benadryl - I would say approx 10mg. Best of luck.

    • Read the very bottom first.Yes, but as previously stated benadryl is for allergies not pain. Give your dog some buffered childrens asprin. I dont remember the exact mg per kg dose but you should be able to find it online very easily. Take him to the vet in the morning. The buffered asprin will not only help with the pain but also the swelling and any possible fever from infection.P.S.I didnt reserch it so I could be wrong but the person above me said to give your dog 10mg of benadryl. This seems like a awful lot to me. For full grown 100kg adults we give 50mg so for your dog that only wieghs about 3kg the dose would probally be more like 1.5-2mg of benadryl if you were to give it. The only benefit of benadryl would be that it would make your dog sleep.READ FIRSTI just read you first post and it sounds like your dog could deffinately be having a allergic or even an anaphalactic reaction. Is you dog itching its self? Look as its skin, expecially on its belly, are there hives or blotchy red skin? Look inside the ears, is it red? IF you are answering yes to any or all of these questions your dog needs to go to an emergancy vet now. If you have benadryl at your house give your dog 3mg on the way there. Your dogs airway could continue to swell causing death. Worse case senerio if your dog is getting worse fast and you dont know where an emergancy vet is, go to a firestation and they will help your dog and find an emergancy vet for you. This can be a very serious situation dont wait around for it to get better.

    • Yes, a dog can take Benadryl for an allergic reaction, but you'd have to ask a vet for the dosage. Benadryl is not a pain reliever, though, so unless he's having a histimine reaction, I'm not sure why you'd b contemplating an antihistimine (for pain, dogs can take buffered aspirin, but there again you'd need a vet's advice as to the dosage... especially in that small a dog.)