both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?

both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?

    both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?

    both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?...
    General Dog Discussions : both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?...

    • both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?

      both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him? General Dog Discussions
      both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?

      both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him?

      both my dogs eye lids are swollen what could be wrong with him? General Dog Discussions
    • Possibly an allergic reaction. Facial swelling, especially around the eyes, is the first sign. Try Benadryl. 1mg/lb so if your dog weighs 25lbs, then 25 mg; 50lbs, then 50mg, you get the idea. And it won't hurt the dog even if it's not an allergic reaction. However, if that doesn't seem to help, call a vet.

    • I had the same problem with my old dog and it scared the shit out of me! What my vet told me to do was go benadryl (the antihistamine) and give half of a pill to your dog every 6 hours.