Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues?

I have a 1 1/2 year old female GR8 Dane that was diagnosed with gastritis and was told to put her on a bland diet. The Vet wasn't clear on how long she should be on this diet. Overall she is 75% better. Its been 4 weeks and I was wondering if this is…

    Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old female GR8 Dane that was diagnosed with gastritis and was told to put her on a bland diet. The Vet wasn't clear on how long she should be on this diet. Overall she is 75% better. Its been 4 weeks and I was wondering if this is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues?...

    • Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues?

      Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 1 1/2 year old female GR8 Dane that was diagnosed with gastritis and was told to put her on a bland diet. The Vet wasn't clear on how long she should be on this diet. Overall she is 75% better. Its been 4 weeks and I was wondering if this is going to be permanent or if there is a natural supplement that could help.? She has a hard time "holding it" for more than 8hrs.

      Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues?

      Gr8 Dane with Gastro issues? General Dog Discussions
    • A dog can be on a bland diet for the rest of their life with no problems or issues. What food did your vet prescribe Iams Low Residue? Science Diet I/D canned?I have a Weimaraner with similar issues, she'll get gastroenteritis several times a year, when she does I go bland immediately, I give her the science diet I/D canned food and boil skinless boneless chicken to mix in, once she's over it I go back to Taste of The Wild. I've switched foods several times changing to a very high quality food with no grains or by products in an effort to stop the gastroenteritis. A majority of the problem was me giving her people food which I've stopped. The vets wanted me to feed her a bland diet for the rest of her life and feed Royal Canin prescription food, while it's really decent food it's $67 for a 20lb bag, I currently pay $43 for a 30lb bag of TOTW, I cannot afford to switch her food to Royal Canin prescription food so I am careful with what she eats and so far she's fine.If your dogs gastro problem has cleared up then there's no reason you can't go back to your regular food, however, if you're not feeding human food and only dog food and she's still getting gastroenteritis then the food she was eating isn't agreeing with her. Sometimes you have to make numerous switches before you find one that works well for your dog and you. I suggest Pinnacle holistic Allergen-Free dog food by Breeders Choice or Taste of the Wild, but I found that Pinnacle worked really well for my dog who has stomach issues.Good luck

    • You should definatly ask your vet about this. We dont know what all is wrong with your dog, let alone capable of answering this question since we arent vets ourselves.Please go call up your vet and ask them all of your questions you have and issues that your dog has.