Ant bites on dog?

My dog peed in an ant pile and she got ants all over. I sprayed her down to get ants off and she has a bunch of little red spots on her belly. She threw up immediately, but that could have been from an upset stomach she'd had earlier. She seems okay,…

    Ant bites on dog?

    My dog peed in an ant pile and she got ants all over. I sprayed her down to get ants off and she has a bunch of little red spots on her belly. She threw up immediately, but that could have been from an upset stomach she'd had earlier. She seems okay,…...
    General Dog Discussions : Ant bites on dog?...

    • Ant bites on dog?

      Ant bites on dog? General Dog Discussions
      My dog peed in an ant pile and she got ants all over. I sprayed her down to get ants off and she has a bunch of little red spots on her belly. She threw up immediately, but that could have been from an upset stomach she'd had earlier. She seems okay, just not like she feels good. What should I do? Preferably without a vet because I can't afoord it right now. Please help, She is my little baby. 45lbs

      Ant bites on dog?

      Ant bites on dog? General Dog Discussions
    • When the ant bites get a white head on them, apply slow and steady pressure around the bite to get the pus and left over toxins out. The next day your dog should be feeling much better. I have a bad fire ant infestation in my yard and have had to do this with my dogs on more than one occasion.