FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD?

My black lab mix has degenerative joint disease from hip dysplasia, and may need FHO surgery (femoral head ostectomy) on both hips. I was also told she has IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), though luckily the trauma is not pinching a nerve and…

    FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD?

    My black lab mix has degenerative joint disease from hip dysplasia, and may need FHO surgery (femoral head ostectomy) on both hips. I was also told she has IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), though luckily the trauma is not pinching a nerve and…...
    General Dog Discussions : FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD?...

    • FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD?

      FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD? General Dog Discussions
      My black lab mix has degenerative joint disease from hip dysplasia, and may need FHO surgery (femoral head ostectomy) on both hips. I was also told she has IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), though luckily the trauma is not pinching a nerve and according to the vet, is only giving her occasional back pain. I have an appointment for a 2nd opinion with a highly recommended animal clinic in my area (I have heard some not-so-good things about the vet I got the diagnosis with), but in the mean time, I'd like to hear of any personal experiences or advice on any possible problems that this surgery could cause when coupled with this back problem.The vet I got the diagnosis from never mentioned an issue, but when getting copies of her records to take when I get my 2nd opinion, I read the following: "I have discussed surgical repair, but still has questionable prognosis due to IVDD. Also, here is some more info on my dog:Breed: Black lab/Greyhound mixWeight: 55lbsAge: 6 1/2 - 7 years oldActivity level: Has always been pretty low. She's a bit lazy and quite the couch potato.I have read up on FHO surgery, and know a lot about post op therapy, though I seem to be reading differing views on what the weight limit is.Any advice would help, Thanks!She has not had an CT or MRI. My general vet has Diagnosed this from an xray. If it is IVDD, the only attributing incident would have been being hit by a slow moving car about 4 years ago. I had her checked out after the accident, and got a clean bill of health aside from a small puncture wound on her right hip and slight road rash on her paws. This vet that gave me the diagnosis told me that the vertebrae has already dissolved. Like I said, I don't really trust the guy.Unfortunately, there are no certified vet neurologists or orthopedists within 6 hours of me. I will take her if I have to, but I've already given up my apartment and sold my belongings to afford the upcoming costs. For FHO surgery, I'm planning on it costing about $1300 her hip. (an estimate I've gotten from several vets in my area. I may be able to find out more when I take her in for the 2nd opinion. I'll ask about CT scans when I go in on Friday. Luckily, she's by no means lame yet.This may also be the culprit:"IVDD Type II is recognized as a chronic form of protrusion of the inner and outer parts of the disc due to degeneration and dehydration of the disc material. This can happen in any breed and usually presents itself between 8 and 10 years of age. At this age, the disease progresses slowly and often does not require surgical correction."(resource http://petdoc.com/story/intervertrebral-disc-disease-dogs)I'm hoping so...The only symptom she has is occasional back pain. Either way, she is restricted to very light exercise until I find out more info (though she been wanting to play).

      FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD?

      FHO surgery on a dog with IVDD? General Dog Discussions
    • I would personally NOT pursue the FHO surgery UNTIL you have an appointment with a board ceritified Neurologist.You did not say if you have done a MRI or CT scan of your dogs back to get a REAL idea of how bad his IVDD is.It would be pointless to fix his hips and spend $7,000 only to have his discs rupture in his back.I would deal with the back issue first, hip issue second.Again if the IVDD is bad, do not put the dog through hip surgery, just keep him comforatable for as long as you can.