My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.?

Shes gagging and she looks pretty sick, but this was like 6+ hrs ago and she ate dinner and played for a while. What should I do?

    My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.?

    Shes gagging and she looks pretty sick, but this was like 6+ hrs ago and she ate dinner and played for a while. What should I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.?...

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    • My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.?

      My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.? General Dog Discussions
      Shes gagging and she looks pretty sick, but this was like 6+ hrs ago and she ate dinner and played for a while. What should I do?

      My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.?

      My 60lb dog ate half a jar of peanut butter earlier.? General Dog Discussions
    • She's probably going to throw up, but that's ok. Dogs do that all the time when they overeat, its a harmless reflex most carnivores have. There isn't really anything to worry about, though, peanut butter doesn't have anything in it that's bad for dogs. Its just the large quantity that's upsetting her stomach. So, to answer your question, make sure she has plenty of water (vomiting can be dehydrating) and maybe put down some newspaper. That's about all you need to do.

    • Normal amounts of peanut butter won't hurt a dog. Half a jar is a lot tho.I wouldn't have given her dinner, and only a small breakfast.She may throw up, if she hasn't already. I'd just keep an eye on her and if something seems amiss, I'd check with the vet, but she should be fine.