How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)?

Huck was abandoned at our vet's office after his mother gave birth there. Vet said his mom looked like a small lab-mix, weighed about 40lbs not pregnant. We got him when he was 5wks 6days old, along with proper puppy formula and food. He was about 4 lbs…

    How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)?

    Huck was abandoned at our vet's office after his mother gave birth there. Vet said his mom looked like a small lab-mix, weighed about 40lbs not pregnant. We got him when he was 5wks 6days old, along with proper puppy formula and food. He was about 4 lbs…...
    General Dog Discussions : How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)?...

    • How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)?

      How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)? General Dog Discussions
      Huck was abandoned at our vet's office after his mother gave birth there. Vet said his mom looked like a small lab-mix, weighed about 40lbs not pregnant. We got him when he was 5wks 6days old, along with proper puppy formula and food. He was about 4 lbs then, but they said he was the runt of the litter. At his 8 week appointment he weighed 8 lbs, and today, at 10 wks 3 days old, he weighs 15.2lbs. This picture was taken when he was 8 1/2 weeks old and weighed 11lbs. He's next to our 65lb hound mix. know he looks like a yellow lab, but his fur is much shorter and stiffer, and his skin is VERY loose. He actually has rolls of skin that form around his neck and shoulders when he stands, and around his hips and legs when he sits. He's big boned as well, and you can see his ribs and hips from above, it's not in an emaciated way, more like a gawky puppy way. He eats 3 times a day and is gaining weight!Thanks! They are lovely, aren't they? LOLI wish we knew what he was mixed with. His face looks a lot like a great dane face, but his paws and size are definitely not dane! LOL

      How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)?

      How big do you think our puppy will be? (Pic!)? General Dog Discussions
    • I cant see his front paws but judging how big his back paws are it looks like he will be the same size as my lab. ( 22inches tall to the shoulders and 34 inches from nose to tail.)