my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question?

I walk my sheltie twice a day. She used to be excited for both walks but now she doesn't seem to care for her morning walk. It is wierd since i walk her in a park in the morning. I can't think of anything at the park that would scare her. She is…

    my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question?

    I walk my sheltie twice a day. She used to be excited for both walks but now she doesn't seem to care for her morning walk. It is wierd since i walk her in a park in the morning. I can't think of anything at the park that would scare her. She is…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question?...

    • my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question?

      my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question? General Dog Discussions
      I walk my sheltie twice a day. She used to be excited for both walks but now she doesn't seem to care for her morning walk. It is wierd since i walk her in a park in the morning. I can't think of anything at the park that would scare her. She is however enthusiastic about her evening walk. How do i make her like the morning walk again?

      my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question?

      my dog suddenly doesn't seemed too interested in her morning walk question? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs don't like waking up early if they don't have to either. If it's really early in the morning she's probably tired. Try switching to an afternoon then evening walk, and see if she likes that. :)Good luck!

    • Didn't mention age-maybe she is older and its too much for her. If she isn't finding enjoyment in things she used to like and isn't as active maybe make a appt at the vet-she could have arthiitis and it might just be painful for her.Also like other mentioned, hows the weather near you? I haven't walked my dog in almost a week-its been awlful here! I try to get up early and its already muggy and 80 and then at night the same thing! I feel so bad because we do go on a few walks a day-its not good to walk them in that kind of weather plus I don't think they enjoy it either.You know how dogs are they are like us and have different personalites and taste. Today we had a bad storm-wanna know where I was at during it, outside I waited till it slowed down at bit-he wanted outside so bad. We go out I think he's gotta pee-nope he wants to lay down while its pouring and thunder with lighting in the far distance! Crazy dog I have! My other dog you have to pick him up (yes I pick up my 70lb mutt) to take him out if its sprinkling and most of the time just to take him outside-he is LAZY!