My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged?

So the story I was walking my dog and we decided to cross the street and start heading home because my neighbor thinks it is ok to let his 100lb GSD off leash on his yard. This dog has a history of being aggressive toward other dogs. As soon as we turned…

    My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged?

    So the story I was walking my dog and we decided to cross the street and start heading home because my neighbor thinks it is ok to let his 100lb GSD off leash on his yard. This dog has a history of being aggressive toward other dogs. As soon as we turned…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged?...

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    • My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged?

      My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged? General Dog Discussions
      So the story I was walking my dog and we decided to cross the street and start heading home because my neighbor thinks it is ok to let his 100lb GSD off leash on his yard. This dog has a history of being aggressive toward other dogs. As soon as we turned our back to head home the dog was attacking my dog. So natural I punched and kicked to get the dog off my dog.t That's when the dog decided to attack me. I sustained a broken arm and had to get 60 stitches on my arm and 12 stitches on my face. My dog also had a broken leg and needed stitches but she didn't let the GSD scave by scott free she did some damage to him once he started attacking me. Other neighbors called the cops and the owner came out and got control of his dog. Once the cops came all the neighbors gave statements but I was taken to the hospital and my family took my dog to the vet. It has been a few months since this incident but now I am being charged with animal cruelty and my dog has to be deemed dangerous. I don't understand how this is even possible my dog wouldn't hurt a fly unless I was in danger myself. I was being ATTACKED and I was a good 500 Feet from his property. Has anyone ever heard of the victim being charged.The neighbor is being charged as well but I don't understand how they can even charge me in a situation like this with witnesses.We have a lawyer we have been in the process of sueing him when I served with the charge. My dog and I are healing but not perfect.@KIM NS of course I have a lawyer and yes there are leash laws and my dog was definitely on her leash. I am already all shooken up about the whole incident, so thank you for your kind encouraging words.I have no idea why I am being charged I am not looking for advice more so if anyone has encountered this situation before.Oh the animal cruelty is not for my dog its for me beating the dog attacking me and my dog.

      My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged?

      My dog and I were viciously attacked by neighbors dog...being charged? General Dog Discussions