How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him?

I'm adopting a dog tomorrow. He was neutered today, but has been kept at a rescue for a couple of weeks and now smells of way too many animals. I'd like for him to be clean and fresh once he comes home to meet my other dog. The rescue is closed on…

    How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him?

    I'm adopting a dog tomorrow. He was neutered today, but has been kept at a rescue for a couple of weeks and now smells of way too many animals. I'd like for him to be clean and fresh once he comes home to meet my other dog. The rescue is closed on…...
    General Dog Discussions : How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him?...

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    • How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him?

      How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him? General Dog Discussions
      I'm adopting a dog tomorrow. He was neutered today, but has been kept at a rescue for a couple of weeks and now smells of way too many animals. I'd like for him to be clean and fresh once he comes home to meet my other dog. The rescue is closed on Thursdays and my vet is on vacation. Anyone have any idea?I'm not talking about full submersion, I'm talking about something more like a shower. I don't care about him stinking, I just want to make the transition as easy as possible and all those other doggy scents are just going to stress everyone (cats and dog) out. I know when I've had minor surgery I couldn't bathe for a while, but I was able to shower the next day.

      How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him?

      How soon after a dog is neutered is it safe to bathe him? General Dog Discussions
    • I would wait for 3 days after the surgery... The would should stay closed after 2 but it will probably still hurt him to be picked up and moved into the tub for a few days.

    • Wait until the stitches are out and the wound is 100% healed- usually at least 1 week. The best you can do is go to Petsmart and buy some doggie bath wipes and wipe his body except for the surgery site. You risk infection if you bathe him now.EDIT: No showers OR baths- you shouldn't get any water on the site at all. Try this: Wipe him down with the doggie bath wipes or baby wipes, and then rub him down with a blanket or towel YOUR dogs have slept on for a little while. That should help with the scent transition you're worried about.

    • As a groomer, I always ask my clients to either have their pet groomed before being neutered or to wait 10 days until the sutures, if self-dissolving are almost gone or if not self-dissolving are ready or have been removed.If they are self-dissolving and you bathe him too soon you will speed up the dissolving of the sutures and leave an open wound. If they are regular sutures and you bathe him too soon after the procedure, you can contaminate the surgical site.Pick up a bottle of doggy deodorant or thiotrol (a fantastic odor neutralizer) and spritz him and brush him daily to help reduce to odor. Carefully avoid the surgical site so that you don't damage the sutures.Also, you don't want to have the dog climbing in or out of the tub with a fresh surgical site. Your vet will tell you to keep him calm and avoid excess stress or activity for several days. After, having surgery and being carted off to a new home and family the dog will already be under considerable stress. Being stuck into a shower will just add insult to injury.Hold your nose for a couple of days and let him get used to things first.