Why does my dog drag his privates across the floor all the time?

My Olde Boston <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=119f6e076f0ef2626df0194a99c4c5aa18c9d8f5">Bulldog</a> loves to stretch out and drag his man goods across the carpet. He will just stretch out and wiggle all the way across the room. Is this normal? He doesn't seem to have any visible rashes or anything that i can see. Stan S - you…

    Why does my dog drag his privates across the floor all the time?

    My Olde Boston <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=119f6e076f0ef2626df0194a99c4c5aa18c9d8f5">Bulldog</a> loves to stretch out and drag his man goods across the carpet. He will just stretch out and wiggle all the way across the room. Is this normal? He doesn't seem to have any visible rashes or anything that i can see. Stan S - you…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog drag his privates across the floor all the time?...

    • he might have worms. go to your local vet and find out. my dog used to do the same thing too!!

    • It's a really bad habit that usually Red pepper powder can cure. But it's probrably just an itch, some dogs get it, some don't. drop him by the vet and they maybe have something to make him quit, other than releving him of his "man goods" lol! But seriously, good luck.

    • LMAO Scott is funny, but true. It's normal. It fels good for them. Now when they are dragging their ass accross the rug that when you shold worry. You don't want staned crap on your rugs!

    • maybe he has worms. i saw on family guy once, that brian, (the dog) got worms, and he started doing that. then again, i don't think that show is a very good source. if he keeps doing it, give your vet a call. just in case.or that "area" could just be itchy. or it just feels good. :)

    • its normal. normally its just an ich.. dogs don't normally do that all the time... he might have flees or something iratating him in that area...take him to the vets to see if it is irratation..he shouldn't be doing that all the time. Thats not normal for a dog...

    • Are you saying he sits and drags his butt across the floor? If so, this might be a sign of worms. Have his stool checked by a vet.However, if he is dragging his stomach across the floor, he has probably just discovered a unique way of scratching his tummy and it has nothing to do with his "man goods". Our little fur baby loves to have her tummy rubbed and scratched, and will flip over on her back for everyone. It is just a spot that seems to require more scratching and rubbing that others, and one that they can find relief from themselves sometimes by dragging across the carpet. (Have you ever rubbed your back across a door way or something similar because you had an itch that you couldn't reach? Same thing...smart dog, doesn't wait for others to scratch his belly. LOL.

    • Oh no its probably becuse he has worms get it checked out. I've been around dogs all my life so I can read the signs its probably defiently worms. its gross but check his droppings if ya see little white things then its a defeinte but still if ya can't "dosnt mean he doesont' have em" take him to the vet its a simple thing, they do the whole tempture stick up the well ya knkow and then tell ya if he has worms. They'll give ya some meds for him..which aren't that expensive thank GOD and then you'll be fine. But some dogs do that and all ya got to do is tell him no if ya don't like it. Train him,but most likely the poor little guys got worms..sigh poor things. Good luck and Godbless the both of ya!

    • i have a rat terrier and he does the same thingALL of my friends dogs do the same thingand it is very normal.I pretty shure almost all dogs do it and i think that its like us having our back itch and wa cant scratch it.they don't have hands so them rub until it goes awayyou can try shampooing you dog with some anti inching shampoo for dogs ( yes they make it for dogs) if it is really badbut my dog does it like 30 times a day and all the other dogs i have seen do it to so it is normaldon't worry bee happy

    • It's normal. I see many small dogs, male and female drag their bellies across the floor(especially on carpet and grass). In fact, my cousin's Boston loves to do that, and she's a healthy little female. It's just a goofy quirk of little dogs. :P

    • tho i have done this myself from time to time, even getting out of my car to do it on a public street, it generally means worms. Would get him checked/dewormed to be certain, but i have seen some dogs do it just to be doing it, so it may just feel good. You do say you have carped, and have only ever seen dogs that shouldnt have worms do it on carpet. So may just be something you need to get used to, or remove the carpet and any rugs.Good luck!

    • first of all the people who are giving stupid answeres need to stop think and grow up.your dog probobally has worms, he is not accually dragging his privates across the ground he is dragging his butt . he ether has worms or he needs to go to the groomer and get his anal glands squeezed. if that is not taken care of the glands can rupture and your dong will have to go to the vet for antibiotics is is not a pretty thing when they do rupture, it smells really bad, there will be puss and anal leakage. I would sujest trying to take him to the groomer and ask them to do his anal glands, and if that does not work take him to the vet to get wormed.Good luck! :D

    • I have a female daschund, and she's only dragged her butt on the floor 1 or 2 times, but according to everyone, it's normal. I wouldn't be too worried about it but have you gotten your dog wormed yet? If not that could be a problem and I would see your vet ASAP. And if your giving your dog a bath once a month, like every dog owner should... make sure you (gently) scrub around his "area" to help any infection that might be down there, and make sure you rinse him out thoroughly. And to help with the anal gland thing, I was watching a groomer episode of dirty jobs and it shows you how to clean the anal gland--- follow the link---http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg1yey2vN3Msorry, not the best graphics