Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat?

We have tried frontline and some stuff we got from the vet but npthing is working. most of the fleas are around her eyes and ears and i don't want anything that will hurt her. please help its my two year olds cat and i really don't want to get rid of her.

    Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat?

    We have tried frontline and some stuff we got from the vet but npthing is working. most of the fleas are around her eyes and ears and i don't want anything that will hurt her. please help its my two year olds cat and i really don't want to get rid of her....
    General Dog Discussions : Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat?...

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    • Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat?

      Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat? General Dog Discussions
      We have tried frontline and some stuff we got from the vet but npthing is working. most of the fleas are around her eyes and ears and i don't want anything that will hurt her. please help its my two year olds cat and i really don't want to get rid of her.

      Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat?

      Hoq do i get rid of fleas on a 15 week old cat? General Dog Discussions
    • I do the natural way. Later on you won't have to do these so often. But to upkeep the house from fleas ever coming in. Here are some ways to get rid of those nasty fleas. Bath your cat. If your cat hates baths I suggest getting a soapy towel and scrub her thoroughly. Then rinse the towel to remove as much soap as possible. Your cat at least wont go all crazy and be in a scratching frenzy. The best soap to use on your cat is Dawn. Kills fleas instantly. Vacuum thoroughly. Make sure to vacuum every little crevice. To make your vacuuming more efficient sprinkle down borax, salt, or Diatomaceous earth (make sure it is food grade). Let it stand for about an hour, and then vacuum it up. You will want to vacuum at least twice a day while combating fleas. This includes vacuuming your furniture!Wash all hardware floors with a citrus oil or vinegar. I prefer to use a steam mop. After I use the steam mop, I mist the floor with homemade citrus oil or vinegar. The steam mop is hot enough to kill fleas and eggs. I steam everything. The citrus oil repels them, meaning prevents them from coming back. Do this at least once every two days while combating cat fleas. Do also wash your pets bed and your bed sheets. No matter what method you use for treating fleas, natural or not. You will want to invest in a flea comb. Take a container of hot soapy water and a paper towel. Sit down with your cat, take your time and comb through her fur. After each pass of the comb, dip the flea comb in the container and swish it around. Any fleas on the comb, will fall into the container and drown. Wipe the comb with a paper towel to make sure that all the eggs are off the comb. Make sure as soon as you are done take the paper towel and put it in the trash outside. Do not just put it in your kitchen trash.This may sound like a lot if work at first but once you win the flea battle, you won't have to do this so often. If you have other pets this also helps with fleas. I suggest if you have dogs, frontline. The medicine usually works better on dogs then cats. I've never trusted cat medicine. My dogs sometimes goes outside and frontline usually keeps the fleas off then and prevents then from coming in.