Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented?

I know this may seem a little weird but it's driving my sister and I crazy! My sister says dog shampoo was invented at least 50 years ago and I say it's a more recent thing. Which one of us is right?

    Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented?

    I know this may seem a little weird but it's driving my sister and I crazy! My sister says dog shampoo was invented at least 50 years ago and I say it's a more recent thing. Which one of us is right?...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented?...

    • Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented?

      Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented? General Dog Discussions
      I know this may seem a little weird but it's driving my sister and I crazy! My sister says dog shampoo was invented at least 50 years ago and I say it's a more recent thing. Which one of us is right?

      Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented?

      Does anyone know when dog shampoo was invented? General Dog Discussions
    • Sh*t 50 years ago there was only ONE brand of dog food. No special shampoo. 'They didn't start making everything else till they realized ignorant people will give them money for something with a different label. I would guess more in the late 70's medicated shampoos from vets came out then 80's commercial money maker brands.

    • well I hate to tell you this but your sister is right. The first dog shampoo was invented by acme products way back in 1935 and you could only get it from your vet because it was for skin infections and had something in it to help for insects to it. But commercial shampoos for dogs did not come on the market until the 60's which you could pick up in the drug store. Before this people used to use bar soap to wash there dogs when needed.