How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog?

I gave my dog a small amount of pearl onions at dinner, and then later I looked up "are onions bad for dogs" and found out that they are. He weighs about 107 pounds. Should I be worried? It was probably about 1/8 of a cup.

    How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog?

    I gave my dog a small amount of pearl onions at dinner, and then later I looked up "are onions bad for dogs" and found out that they are. He weighs about 107 pounds. Should I be worried? It was probably about 1/8 of a cup....
    General Dog Discussions : How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog?...

    • How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog?

      How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog? General Dog Discussions
      I gave my dog a small amount of pearl onions at dinner, and then later I looked up "are onions bad for dogs" and found out that they are. He weighs about 107 pounds. Should I be worried? It was probably about 1/8 of a cup.

      How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog?

      How much onion can affect a 100 pound dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Sara; Relax. Onions aren't Good for a Dog. But, nor are they like Strychnine. As PP suggested above; Keep an eye on ye Dog for a day or two. Don't get hysterical if he takes a nap or something :D Just be aware that, with the sudden onset of sickness, ye should mention the onions to ye vet. Remember; Onions are * Cumulative * in a Dogs system. Give him a little, every day, and he May develop a sickness. Give him a bucket full at one sitting and he might get sick. I know a man, trains canine athletes. He's been putting a bit of onion in their feed for over sixty years now. Never lost a Dog to it ;)