Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier?

My 1 and 1/2 year old dog all of a sudden seems to be getting tired earlier in the day. He usually falls asleep in his bed at around 9:00. Now he's in bed by around 7:00. This has been going on for about a month now. He's his usual self in the morning…

    Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier?

    My 1 and 1/2 year old dog all of a sudden seems to be getting tired earlier in the day. He usually falls asleep in his bed at around 9:00. Now he's in bed by around 7:00. This has been going on for about a month now. He's his usual self in the morning…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier?...

    • Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier?

      Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier? General Dog Discussions
      My 1 and 1/2 year old dog all of a sudden seems to be getting tired earlier in the day. He usually falls asleep in his bed at around 9:00. Now he's in bed by around 7:00. This has been going on for about a month now. He's his usual self in the morning and afternoon though. Should I take him to the vet. Nothing has changed in his diets, walks, treats, attention, nothing.

      Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier?

      Why does my dog seem to be getting tired earlier? General Dog Discussions
    • He is just growing up. Dogs habits change as they age. As long as he is still active he is fine. If it changes and he sleeps all the time he may need to see the Vet. This would be a good question to ask at his next annual vet visit.

    • Hmmm It seems that he's just getting tired earlier. Does he play a lot in the morning? If he's a really active dog, he's probably just getting vtuckered out. He's young. If nothing drastic has changed (diet, playing, bathroom, etc), then he is probably fine. Try not to worry too too much about it.

    • I would take him into the vet and have some blood work done just to rule out thyroid problems, etc. Depending on the breed of dog they are susceptible to diseases just like us humans. I had one dog (Cairn Terrier) with diabetes and cushing's disease and another (Scottish Terrier) with Addison's disease. Both seemed fine - but being a responsible pet owner you notice change in behavior - they just don't seem themselves. Tell the vet that you have noticed the dog has been overly tired and any other information you can provide and they would be glad to rule out any issues.Good luck and hopefully it is just that your pooch has been overly active and gets tired just like we do.