WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring?

It is a stud earring. My dog is about 10 pounds and is 4 months old. Does he need to go to the vet? we already spent 400 when he swallowed a pill so we don't really have the money to take him to the vet again. What should i do?

    WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring?

    It is a stud earring. My dog is about 10 pounds and is 4 months old. Does he need to go to the vet? we already spent 400 when he swallowed a pill so we don't really have the money to take him to the vet again. What should i do?...
    General Dog Discussions : WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring?...

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    • WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring?

      WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring? General Dog Discussions
      It is a stud earring. My dog is about 10 pounds and is 4 months old. Does he need to go to the vet? we already spent 400 when he swallowed a pill so we don't really have the money to take him to the vet again. What should i do?

      WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring?

      WHat should I do if my dog ate an earring? General Dog Discussions
    • Was the back on it? As long as it isn't a really sharp end he should be ok. It will probably come out in a few days xD but just keep a eye on him if you notice strange behaviour take him to emergence but as long as the earring was small everything should be fine.

    • wait a day to make sure he does not pass it threw if he does dont take him to the vet. if he doent take him to the vet. i understand why you cant take him it took alot of money to cure my dog because he had parvo hope it works out well. :)

    • Keep an eye in him and his bowel movements. Pray. Maybe very thing will just pass. Please just try really hard to not drop things like pins and needles and tacks. It is your early training for becoming a parent.

    • Just feed him and wait, keep an eye on where and when he poos, and be prepared to sift through his poo.Chance on him needing a vet is slim, but call vet and ask what they think.