What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days?

He is a Pomeranian Chihuahua mix, and for the past four days he has been having diarrhea. As in he hasn't been able to poop is very wet, and very minimal, though he gets the urge to try to go quite often. He hasn't had any changes in diet, and other than…

    What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days?

    He is a Pomeranian Chihuahua mix, and for the past four days he has been having diarrhea. As in he hasn't been able to poop is very wet, and very minimal, though he gets the urge to try to go quite often. He hasn't had any changes in diet, and other than…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days?...

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    • What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days?

      What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days? General Dog Discussions
      He is a Pomeranian Chihuahua mix, and for the past four days he has been having diarrhea. As in he hasn't been able to poop is very wet, and very minimal, though he gets the urge to try to go quite often. He hasn't had any changes in diet, and other than the diarrhea he has no other behavioral changes. I fasted him for 1 day, and then followed it up with limited amounts of his regular dry dog food but he doesn't seem to be getting any better. What should i do?

      What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days?

      What to do for my dog who has been having diarrhea for 4 days? General Dog Discussions
    • Dog-on-it!! Its another case of Doggie Diarrhea!! lolI used to work at a vet, and while I was there I picked up a few "home remedies" on how to cure dogs of diarrhea. Before I tell you them though, here are a few other ideas that might help.First, take a recent sample of your pet's stool to the vet. The "fecal test" is generally VERY inexpensive ($10-$15) and works wonders for giving you peace of mind.Also, in addition to trying the home remedies, be sure to at least call your vet and let them know the symptoms your dog is experiencing to see what they recommend. Its good that your dog hasn't had any other behavioral changes. It sounds like it can be cured with any of these steps:I know for a fact that it works for Pomeranian Chihuahua's, Golden Retrievers, and Sheepdogs. First, Instead of their usual dog food, give your pet small servings of a bland diet 4-5 times throughout the day. Choose from: * cooked white rice (no butter or flavorings) * cottage cheese (no liquid) * boiled chicken (no grease, no skin, no flavorings) * boiled turkey (no grease, no skin, no flavorings) * scrambled egg (no butter or oil) * boiled egg (no butter or oil) * boiled potato (no skin or flavorings) * baked potato (no skin or flavorings)Then, continue to feed several small servings of this bland diet for a few days in gradually increasing amounts until a formed stool is passed. Then, start to wean your pet back to its regular food over the course of a week by gradually working in small amounts of their regular dry dog food.During this time, do not give your pet bones, snacks or table scraps, because they may irritate the intestinal tract during this time.Side note 1: Dogs can also be given a dose of Pepto Bismol every 6 hours. (Dosage depends on your dog's weight: 1 ml per 10 lbs.) Bonus, the Pepto Bismol also works to stop vomiting.Side note 2: Two other over-the-counter medicines can be given to dogs with diarrhea: Imodium AD (1 ml per 10 lbs. every 8 hours) and Kaopectate (Dogs: 0.05-0.1 mg/pound by mouth every 8 hours. Treatment should only be needed for 1-2 days. And lastly, If diarrhea persists or worsens, contact your veterinarian..Hope this helps!! Good luck!