What are some signs of dog senility?

My lab mix is getting up there in years and has been silly of late. For example, he never previously had an interest in bugs and now he's trying to catch flies that go by. And he growls at weird stuff now. He's about 10 (got him in a pound and can't be…

    What are some signs of dog senility?

    My lab mix is getting up there in years and has been silly of late. For example, he never previously had an interest in bugs and now he's trying to catch flies that go by. And he growls at weird stuff now. He's about 10 (got him in a pound and can't be…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some signs of dog senility?...

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    • What are some signs of dog senility?

      What are some signs of dog senility? General Dog Discussions
      My lab mix is getting up there in years and has been silly of late. For example, he never previously had an interest in bugs and now he's trying to catch flies that go by. And he growls at weird stuff now. He's about 10 (got him in a pound and can't be sure of age). Can dogs get senile?

      What are some signs of dog senility?

      What are some signs of dog senility? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, they can, it's called cognitive dysfunction syndrome and is pretty common in dogs as they age. there's various symptoms - dogs seem disoriented, fail to recognize people they know, might not answer to their name, might start wandering at night, they may forget their housetrained, want to be alone a lot more than normal.It's a progressive disease which has no specific test for it. But a trip to the vet would be really beneficial to your dog. If he hasn't had a geriatric blood panel done, that would be a good idea to rule out (or catch) any physical problems that are beginning. There's also drugs that can improve the symptoms. Your vet is the best person to advise you about your dog.