How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly?

I want to get a dog but I need to know how much food will cost first. I want a big dog that will go running with me daily. I'm not sure exactly what kind. how much does a low price dog food cost monthly?

    How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly?

    I want to get a dog but I need to know how much food will cost first. I want a big dog that will go running with me daily. I'm not sure exactly what kind. how much does a low price dog food cost monthly?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly?...

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    • How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly?

      How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly? General Dog Discussions
      I want to get a dog but I need to know how much food will cost first. I want a big dog that will go running with me daily. I'm not sure exactly what kind. how much does a low price dog food cost monthly?

      How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly?

      How much does it cost to feed a dog monthly? General Dog Discussions
    • Low cost dog foods result in high cost vet bills. Your better off to feed a quality food like blue buffalo. Go to your local pet store, read all the labels on all the different brands. Find one that is high protien, and low grain, or grain free. You'll have a happier, healthier dog.

    • A low price dog food will end up costing you more as you will have to feed the dog more.With my dogs on a lower quality food, it's been recommended that I feed them 4 cups per day.On the one I am on now, it's 2 cups.On a higher quality, it's 1.5 cups per day.With that, I currently spend about $60 per month to feed my 2 30-40lbs dogs.

    • You don't want a low-price dog food. If you're cutting corners on animal care, then you should hold off on getting one until you can afford it comfortably. What are you going to do when you need a vet that costs hundreds or even thousands?Anyways, it's about forty dollars a month to feed my thirty pound girl. That's not including treats or glucosamine.

    • A dog can be really expensive. My dog has allergies and her food costs me about $70 per month, this is not counting the carrots I add, eggs, etc. At one point she got sick and started throwing up and could not eat the special dog food and it costed me $175.00 to buy her 3 weeks of human food (liver, ground beef, fish for omega fatty acids, chicken for tryptophan, brown rice, squash, spinach fir vitamin K, eggs, apples, blueberries, yogurt for calcium, rice bran for phosphorus, and a variety of other things - dogs need a balanced diet). Sure I could have fed my dog rice and chicken but in teh long run I would have had a nutrient deficient and sick dog. I also am not counting 6hr of food prep to make her the homemade food. My dog weighs 97lb.Most dogs do not have food allergies, but keep in mind that if you get one and it does; ask yourself "Am I financially able and committed to put the time and money into making my dog a homemade, balanced diet" - if not do not get a dog because nothing in life is a guarantee and there is no government funded health insurance it is all private out of your pocket money that you must come up with.

    • A large breed dog, that will have high activity levels will need a good diet, my medium sized dogs, Labrador cross Cocker Spaniels, that have a lot of exercise costs me roughly £70- £80 (wet and dry food) a month plus the odd meals of beef or chicken that I may buy (extra £10-£20). I am on minimum wage, but I refuse to feed my dog the low cost foods as they can hardly be called 'food' at all. Hope this helps.