my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now?

My dog's face started to swell yesterday. It started under his left eye, then progressed to the left side of his face. His ears have swollen, and fell like they are full of liquid (about 3/4 inch thick). The back of his neck on the right hand side feels…

    my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now?

    My dog's face started to swell yesterday. It started under his left eye, then progressed to the left side of his face. His ears have swollen, and fell like they are full of liquid (about 3/4 inch thick). The back of his neck on the right hand side feels…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now?...

    • my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now?

      my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now? General Dog Discussions
      My dog's face started to swell yesterday. It started under his left eye, then progressed to the left side of his face. His ears have swollen, and fell like they are full of liquid (about 3/4 inch thick). The back of his neck on the right hand side feels a little swollen as well. We first noticed the swelling about 5 PM (~26 1/2 hours ago). We had just taken him outside for his walk about 30 minutes prior.He has been eating and drinking, only about half of normal. His breathing seems fine. We have been giving him benadryl capsules - 3 25 mg every 12 hours. The Benadryl seems like it makes him sleepy. The swelling around the eyes have gone down a lot, and is now just a tiny pit puffy. The same for his muzzle. His ears though are still very large. It also appears as though he has hives in his ears. We have been trying to keep him from scratching his ears, but he still gets in a scratch from time to time. He tries to shake his head, but he does it very slowly, and only 1 or 2 shakes if that many. He is a St Bernard mix, and is about 1 1/2 years old. He weighs around 60-85 pounds, and is otherwise in great shape. He did get stung by a bee about 6 months ago on his lip, right under his nose. That area took about 2 weeks for it to heal. It stayed puffy for a while, but no swelling occurred beyond the sting spot.We can not afford a vet until the weekend, so we have been trying home remedies as much as possible. He doesn't seem in pain as much as discomfort. He has had regular bowel movements, just not as much as his intake is lowered. We assume he was stung by a bee again, but are not sure. What is a normal to normal longer time frame for swelling to go down, and what other signs should we be watching for? Also is liquid benadryl better than capsules?To clarify, we are giving him three 25mg capsules, so 75 mg total.We also talked to the emergency vet the day of, and were advised the same as we had read online about the benadryl, and watching for other symptoms of anaphylactic shock. The main concern for him at this time is the swelling. I will look into the carecredit and see where we can go on that end. For now though, we will continue to monitor for any other symptoms.

      my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now?

      my dog was stung by a bee and is swollen now? General Dog Discussions
    • Your dog could safely take 50 mg every 8 hours. Did I read that right that you gave THREE milligrams?? That's not enough.A dog that keeps getting stung may get worse each time. My dog started off with a swollen nose that was just kind of funny. The next time, her entire body was affected. The third time, she nearly died! Vomited and fell over on her side. Shock! Emergency!! From then on, I kept an injection of dex here at home, just in case. We live too far away from the emergency hospital to actually get her there.If your dog vomits or gets very lethargic (or both) you have a real emergency on your hands.No, the liquid isn't better than the capsules. You can use the generic, diphenhydramine. It is the same thing and is cheaper.I'm worried about your dog. If you have an emergency hospital in your area, at least give them a call and ask for their advice. They could tell you a few things to look out for. If your regular vet has an emergency number, then use that.Bee stings in dogs CAN DEFINITELY be life-threatening. It sounds like your dog is getting worse with each bite. Try to find the source of bees and remove it or keep your dog on a leash and away from bees. Good luck. If you have no money right now, then look up You can apply for a no-interest loan. You just apply online and you have it. Just make your payments on time and you won't be charged any extra. A vet visit for this shouldn't be terribly expensive. CALL and ASK please!

    • You're not giving him enough Benedryl. The dosage is 2mg per pound, every 8 hrs.You can verify this online. There are lists of otc meds that you can give an otherwise healthy dog.At 60 lbs, he could take 4.80 Benedryl pills at a time, every 8, not every 12 hrs.. So, I'm guessing that you could give the dog 5 pills at a time since you are unsure of the weight. How about weighing him? If you have a bathroom scale, get on it and record your weight. Now get on the scale while holding the dog. Subtract the 2 numbers to get the dog's weight.