How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get?

I just adopted a 6 month old german shepherd mix beagle or lab. The people from the pound said he is german shepherd mix lab and the vet said he is german shepherd mix beagle. So i dont know what mix he is. How big will he get???? And how to i get him…

    How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get?

    I just adopted a 6 month old german shepherd mix beagle or lab. The people from the pound said he is german shepherd mix lab and the vet said he is german shepherd mix beagle. So i dont know what mix he is. How big will he get???? And how to i get him…...
    General Dog Discussions : How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get?...

    • How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get?

      How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get? General Dog Discussions
      I just adopted a 6 month old german shepherd mix beagle or lab. The people from the pound said he is german shepherd mix lab and the vet said he is german shepherd mix beagle. So i dont know what mix he is. How big will he get???? And how to i get him out of this puppy biting stage!?He is 27 pounds now.......

      How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get?

      How big will a german shepherd mix beagle or lab get? General Dog Discussions
    • If he is 6 months old you should be able to tell what he is mixed with from his size. German Shepherd males grow to 75-85 lbs. However some backyard breeder breed for a huge sized dog (this is not healthy) that will be over 100 lbs.Male labs should be 65-80 lbs but can very easily become over weight. So watch out for this! Know what a healthy dog looks like: only get to be 20-25 lbs so he would be much smaller if he was mixed with Beagle.At 6 months a GSD would probably be around 50-60 lbs. If he is smaller than this (40 lbs) then he is probably a Beagle Mix.Read about bite inhibition- the main steps of getting your puppy to stop biting are these:1. When he bites (even a little) make a squeal like a baby puppy would if he was bitten and it hurt. Act like you are hurt.2. If he keeps biting (he probably will- German Shepherd Puppies bite A LOT) then stop playing with him and stand up and ignore him for a second. Go back to playing after a second of ignoring.3. If the biting continues put him on a leash that is attached to something heavy when you play. When he bites and saying 'ouch!' doesn't work, stand up and walk out of his range so he can't get to you. Wait a minute for him to calm down and go back to playing. Each time he bites pause playtime and walk out of his reach.4. Most importantly: ALWAYS PLAY WITH A TOY. A good toy will give him something that he can bite. A bully stick or kong with frozen wet dog food in it will give him something to chew.5. Be patient because he will not learn overnight or in a few days. Always be consistent- if a guest comes over and allows him to bite without ending play then it will undo all of the training you have done!