What do you think he is mixed with?

I adopted this puppy from the humane society. He is 5 months old, I've had him since 5 weeks. The humane society and vet say he is 80% Australian Shepherd, but they don't know what he's mixed with. My dad says he is mixed with some sort of bird dog. He…

    What do you think he is mixed with?

    I adopted this puppy from the humane society. He is 5 months old, I've had him since 5 weeks. The humane society and vet say he is 80% Australian Shepherd, but they don't know what he's mixed with. My dad says he is mixed with some sort of bird dog. He…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do you think he is mixed with?...

    • What do you think he is mixed with?

      What do you think he is mixed with? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted this puppy from the humane society. He is 5 months old, I've had him since 5 weeks. The humane society and vet say he is 80% Australian Shepherd, but they don't know what he's mixed with. My dad says he is mixed with some sort of bird dog. He LOVES water, for one thing. He's got a good nose, but he can't see very good far off. The vet told me that Australians can't see good far off anyway, but I don't know. His hair is about an inch long, and he weighs 40 pounds. He's REALLY sweet, and he's a scaredy cat, but he's getting braver by the day. Again, he is only 5 months old. He loves to chase the cats and he loves to play, but again that's just the puppy in him. I'd just like some more opinions on what someone thinks he might be mixed with. His name is Timber, because the humane society found him on the side of the road, in a trash bag beside the "timber."Here's some links to some pictures of him. http://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab109/Bloo3/timber1_zps4a4620c1.jpghttp://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab109/Bloo3/timber2_zpscb0ebb85.jpghttp://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab109/Bloo3/Timber4_zps5e5fc464.jpghttp://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab109/Bloo3/Timber5_zpse5de0185.jpg

      What do you think he is mixed with?

      What do you think he is mixed with? General Dog Discussions
    • I would say he's some sort of Catahula mix. That or a shephard. He looks to be a purebred, and not a mutt. There is a test you can pay for at some shelters/vets where they can DNA him for you. However it can become quite expensive. Good luck. :)