A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean?

I just adopted a pomeranian from a friend that is only a year old and her teeth are so bad with tarter that she looks like a 5+ year old dog! I know she is only a year old because I have her papers showing her date of birth and I was with my friend the…

    A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean?

    I just adopted a pomeranian from a friend that is only a year old and her teeth are so bad with tarter that she looks like a 5+ year old dog! I know she is only a year old because I have her papers showing her date of birth and I was with my friend the…...
    General Dog Discussions : A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean?...

    • A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean?

      A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean? General Dog Discussions
      I just adopted a pomeranian from a friend that is only a year old and her teeth are so bad with tarter that she looks like a 5+ year old dog! I know she is only a year old because I have her papers showing her date of birth and I was with my friend the day she picked her up when she was 9 weeks old. My friend said the reason her teeth are so bad was because she fed her pedigree wet food packets every day and no hard food her whole life. and I asked her HOW on earth does she still have any teeth let alone any tarter free spots on her teeth at all!? and she said because dog bones and she started to argue with me about how wet food is completely safe to feed dogs with no dry food at all. UGH anyways I have been brushing her teeth every day in the mornings and she eats blue buffalo now and she is doing better but how much do you think it would be to do a teeth cleaning on her? She is 5 pounds MAYBE 6 at the most. I heard it was close to $100 but with her spay, shots, license, microchip etc I was hoping to maybe get a better deal lol.

      A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean?

      A few questions about my pomeranians teeth and getting them clean? General Dog Discussions
    • Varies by vet. Likely will be much cheaper if done at the same time as the spay, but will probably still cost $100 or so, a stand-alone dental near me costs about $200-300, depending on if any teeth need to be removed. A lot of that cost is for the anesthesia.

    • As the answerer above me said, have them cleaned at the same time she's spayed, because that WILL be the cheapest way to go. I've only had ONE dog that I've had their teeth professionally cleaned by a Vet (a 6 year old Dobe) and that was probably close to 20 years ago. At that time, if I remember correctly, the fee was just a little over $200.00, and I can't imagine what my Vet would even charge now. Getting back to the wet dog food thing......I'm a firm believer in feeding quality DRY food, but a very good friend of mine, breeder or Champion dogs for 40 years, AND an AKC judge told me that small dogs DO tend to have dental issues after the age of 2 years. (I'm pretty sure that *raw feeders* wouldn't agree with this, but that's a different topic) Anyway, I have a small mutt, along with my Dobe, and the mutt DID start with some dental issues at around 2 years old, and he has always ate dry kibble. (Merrick at first, and now Taste of the Wild) My small mutt is now 5 years old. His teeth are NOT good, but I won't *put him out* for a pro dental cleaning unless I have to. It's not because of the money, I can assure you of that. It's because he has *reactions* to just about everything AND is on medication because he's Epileptic. So, as stated, I would have his done when you spay, IF you really feel that this is necessary right now. IMO, the Microchip can wait. Also, have you tried to *work* with your Vet? Sometimes they WILL give you a discount if you are having so many things at once. It doesn't cost anything to ask.