What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems?

My vet has prescribed Zylene for my dog as he suffers with anxiety separation.I am really hoping this works.I would love to hear of any success stories with this. And also, any success stories of other types of medication.I am desperate to sort this…

    What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems?

    My vet has prescribed Zylene for my dog as he suffers with anxiety separation.I am really hoping this works.I would love to hear of any success stories with this. And also, any success stories of other types of medication.I am desperate to sort this…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems?...

    • What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems?

      What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems? General Dog Discussions
      My vet has prescribed Zylene for my dog as he suffers with anxiety separation.I am really hoping this works.I would love to hear of any success stories with this. And also, any success stories of other types of medication.I am desperate to sort this problem out.

      What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems?

      What is the best tablet to give a dog with severe anxiety problems? General Dog Discussions
    • I would just follow your vet's instructions and recommendations as he/she will know what is best for your dog. Zylene should be fine, but if it doesn't work or causes other problems, call your vet and they may try something else.

    • Behaviour therapy for you and the dog would probably be better than medication. Anxiety seperation is a learned behaviour, I have 3 dogs, aged 7,3 and a 12 week pup. I leave them all no problem, the older 2 for up to 4 or 5 hours if necessary. The pup is left on her own for 1/2 hour or more when I take the other 2 for a walk as she hasn't had her full vaccinations yet.Leave for 2 or 3 minutes and come back, make little or no fuss of the dog when you leave or come back, just repeat this a few times a day so its normal. Leave and come back, leave and come back. Never enter the room if the dog is crying/whining, always wait for a moments silence, you must never reward the dog for crying by you entering the room. The dog will eventually think you are on the other side of the door and relax. Then you can build up to leaving for 20 mins, half an hour etc.

    • Zylene is a weight loss pill and it is supposed to give added energy.A lot of vets don't dig deeper though to the cause of the anxietywhy is you pet having anxiety problemsdid you discuss this have you tried other medicationsI have been a vet tech for 7 years working with several practices and there is a huge problem when it comes vets that just put patients on these medications without looking into the behavioral aspect.I would do your own research on the web prior to starting.There are several natural remedies like Bach's Rescue Remedy that I have seen work wonders on this type of caseAlso look into seeing if you have canine behaviorist in your town.Set up a consultation with them to see what they say before you just go putting your dog on this medication.

    • Your dog does not need any medication. I have passed on my method to several askers and those who have tried it have sent me private emails acknowledging its success. It will take about two days for this to work.Separation Anxiety.If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, don’t give him free access to every room in your house when you leave him. . If you allow him free access you are doubling his burden. As well as having separation anxiety he will think that he has to guard every room in your house. If he is restricted to one room he will not see you leave. You could also con him into thinking that you are always at home by carrying out the following procedure.Try to do this when you are at home all day, or in the evening when you are there. After your dog has had a long walk, put him in a room with his comfortable bed, this should be a room where you will leave him if you need to go out and where your dog will sleep at night. Walk out of the room and close the door. Open the door immediately and go back into his room, close the door behind you and try to ignore him. Pretend or actually do something which excludes your dog, for example if he is in the bathroom you could do a bit a cleaning for a couple of minutes. Then walk out of the room, go back again immediately and continue with the pretence. Keep doing this to ensure that your dog won’t feel isolated and eventually leave a small gap before you go into his room again. Over a period of days increase the gap before going back into his room. When you know that your dog is asleep stop going into the room, however you MUST try to go onto the room before he wakes up and starts to cry. If you carry out this procedure for a couple of days, your dog will always think that you are at the other side of the door. I do this when I get a new puppy and this PREVENTS separation anxiety. It will also cure an older dog of S.A.Don’t neglect his long walks and playtime in the garden whilst you are re-training him, he needs his funWhen you are leaving your dog on his own please don’t make a dramatic exit, or this will give the game away. Simply put him into his room and walk out. When you come home don’t give him a big hello, just walk into his room and let him out for a pee. You can then play with him and give him cuddles.Please don’t get a dog if it has to be left alone all day. Try to get a friend or a professional to take him out for pees and poos, if you need to leave him for any length of time.Please SHOUT when you have results.

    • Call a second vet and ask their opinion. Zylene doesnt appear to have any chemical compounds in it that would benefit your pups anxiety. You need a drug that alters their seratonin level, like prozac, reconsile etc.

    • Try a natural solution!We have received many stories from both dog and cat owners who have regularly played PandoMusic for their pets at home or when traveling with consistently positive results. We also have doggy day cares and various kennels that use PandoMusic to lessen barking and reduce the anxiety that dogs feel when they are away from home.PandoMusic is a company that specializes in producing music for Pets. We have recently released our 6-CD Classical Collection of PandoMusic for Dogs and Cats featuring composers, Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin.These Pet CD’s are truly distinctive because they have been recorded using specific embedded frequencies and captivating sound effects which stimulate our pet’s senses to create a tranquil environment and overall sense of well-being. All of PandoMusic CD's have been recorded by Felix Pando, a world-renowned composer, arranger and sound engineer who has extensively studied the effects of instruments, frequencies, beats, sound effects and music on both infants and animals. You can get $2 off any CD by using this Promo Code: PM3000 at:http://www.PandoMusic.net