is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog?

I switched him over to cooking him food. My frist question, if i want 50% meat and 50% rice, can i measure a pound of uncooked meat and a pound of uncooked rice? or does the rice have to be cooked?Second question, is this balanced? his next meal will…

    is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog?

    I switched him over to cooking him food. My frist question, if i want 50% meat and 50% rice, can i measure a pound of uncooked meat and a pound of uncooked rice? or does the rice have to be cooked?Second question, is this balanced? his next meal will…...
    General Dog Discussions : is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog?...

    • is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog?

      is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      I switched him over to cooking him food. My frist question, if i want 50% meat and 50% rice, can i measure a pound of uncooked meat and a pound of uncooked rice? or does the rice have to be cooked?Second question, is this balanced? his next meal will consist of white and brown rice, oatmeal, potatoes, ground turkey, carrots, spinach, celery, a little bit of radish, parsley, egg shells, and a few eggs.Third question, how do I know how much to feed him? He's 50 pounds, does he need to eat a pound of food a day? 2 pounds?Clock.. what ever your name is.. Go away, you know NOTHING about dogs. Don't answer a question you have no knowledge about. if dogs couldn't eat fruits or veggies, why do they eat them in the wild? Dummy...

      is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog?

      is this a balance home cooked meal for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • My mom used to cook our golden his dinner. The vet said do cook ground beef, chicken or turkey, cooked pasta (he had rice allergies) and cottege cheese. Everything was measured after cooking it. I would honestly talk to a vet about changing the dogs diet before doing it.

    • noUnless you want a sick, malnourished dog then feed it properly. Dogs are CARNIVORES. They can't digest or break down grains, fruits or veggies and feeding them does nothing for a dog. Cooked meat is useless as wellDogs nee RAW meat, RAW bones, RAW organs, not human food. No veggies, no rice, no cooked meat, no fruit, no egg shells and no potatoes."Clock.. what ever your name is.. Go away, you know NOTHING about dogs. "Dog are carnivores, wild canines never eat fruits or veggies or grains. They eat only RAW meat, RAW bones and RAW organs. Dogs are carnivores, you clearly no nothing about dogs since you want to feed yours a very unnatural dangerous diet of food it can't even digest Dogs lack enzymes to break down fruits, veggies or grains and can't even digest them.

    • I CANNOT believe you are criticizing someone (who is right by the way) about how they "know nothing about dogs", yet you're on here asking a question (on a PUBLIC forum) that you should've known the answer to LONG BEFORE you ever started to change your dogs diet. YOU are the one who knows nothing and you are going to end up with an unhealthy dog, because YOU are too ignorant to listen to some GOOD advice.Want the truth? Dogs do NOT need rice or fruits or veggies. They're good treats now and again, but NOT as a staple of their diet. Dogs THRIVE on RAW meat and bones. Your argument is "if dogs couldn't eat fruits or veggies, why do they eat them in the wild? Dummy..." so tell me..... Where do dogs get cooked meat in the wild.. Hmm? Oh, and you should probably know that some fruits and veggies are TOXIC to dogs and can kill them. I'm sure you're FAR too ignorant to listen to anything I've said, but if you love your dog, listen. Otherwise, give your poor dog away so it can be PROPERLY taken care of.