Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet?

I'd prefer answers who have experience with ferrets...

    Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet?

    I'd prefer answers who have experience with ferrets......
    General Dog Discussions : Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet?...

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    • Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet?

      Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet? General Dog Discussions
      I'd prefer answers who have experience with ferrets...

      Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet?

      Would you sat that ferrets are an expensive pet? General Dog Discussions
    • Not really, just food water and somewhere to pee. like any other pet really.be careful though, if you freak them out they attack and bite like crazy... so maybe some medical costs as well :P

    • I have owned eight ferrets. I have five right now. I also do ferret rescue and I have rescued and re homed sixteen ferrets. I can tell you ferrets are expensive. I also have never had a ferret that freaked out easily and none the attacked. Other than babies I have only had one that bit and she only bit one person and come to find out that person was taking omega3 fish oil supplement. For good ferret food it cost about 15 for a 4 pound bag. now it depends on how many ferrets you have on how long that last. I go through about 60 pounds of food every four months. I also have any where from five to eight ferrets at any given time. Also my two cats won't stay out of it. So it depends on how many other animals you have that eat it on how long it last.Ferrets also need litter. Cat litter itn't a good thing to use because they have small lungs and the dust from it can clog their air ways, even the low duse ones. The clumping kind are the worse.They have some made for ferrets but those are very expensive. We use wood stove pellets that cost about $8 for a forty pound bag. Ferrets are not like hamsters or rats. The wood chips and shredded paper doesn't work as bedding. The oils in the wood chips are toxic to ferrets. The shredded paper absorbs the oil on their skin and make their skin drier and itchy er than they already are. They then produce more oil making then smell more. Ferrets need and prefer bedding like blankets and hanging hammocks. You can use old towels and clothes and such and it works just as well. You still will have more laundry. Even with one ferret it's bedding needs to be washed once a week, more often the more you have. Because ferrets are considered exotic pets anything that says it's for ferrets is more expensive. Even vet care. A vet visit for a dog or cat, for just the office visit, is about $25 for a ferret just the office visit is $44. Of course different areas are different price but in most places ferret care is nearly twice what it is for a dog or cat. Also ferrets are pron to a few illnesses that can be expensive to diagnose and treat. Adrenal disease cost over 200 for the test that isn't 100% and then about $50 a month to treat. Then if melatonin is used another $50 every four months or so.Most states require ferrets to have a rabbie shot and many require a distemper shot yearly.There are ways to reduce the expense but even then it is very expensive to have a ferret. Ferrets can be kept as a single ferret but they do better and are happier with a friend or two. With every ferret you add the cost increases.