Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time?

He is loosing or lost his hearing and sight but still has smell and boy does he smell things out. He.will eat anything. I have been feeding him cucumbers and he can eat a whole hot house cucumber without any problem. I had his blood sugar checked and…

    Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time?

    He is loosing or lost his hearing and sight but still has smell and boy does he smell things out. He.will eat anything. I have been feeding him cucumbers and he can eat a whole hot house cucumber without any problem. I had his blood sugar checked and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time?...

    • Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time?

      Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time? General Dog Discussions
      He is loosing or lost his hearing and sight but still has smell and boy does he smell things out. He.will eat anything. I have been feeding him cucumbers and he can eat a whole hot house cucumber without any problem. I had his blood sugar checked and it was normal...any ideas other than he is going to eat shit and die? Was going to try him on some magnesium minerals but don't know how much to give him any ideas on that. This happen after we were gone for a month on vacation and he stayed with a friend and lost weight down to where he should be and then he went nuts wanting to eat all the time and went to my neighbors house to eat the bread they throw out for the sandhilll cranes so we bought a fence now he eats our brids seeds that fall out of the cages and poop from the other dogs and cats if we don't clean it up. Any ideas?I feed him 1/3 Cup of Call of the Wild dog food:, Salmon and sweet potatoe 2 x's a day with cucumbers, Missing Link for joints and a couple bites of roasted chicken breast and maybe a bite of brown rice. Iams low cal treats. His teeth are brushed every night with enzyme tooth tx. He has alklined water of 8.5ph...what can I do?

      Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time?

      Anyone know why my 15 year old toy poodle is hungry all the time? General Dog Discussions
    • See your vet. There are a number of health problems more commonly seen in older dogs (aside from the KNOWN side-effects of certain medications like B-12 or prednisone) which can cause increased hunger. Do NOT self-medicate - by giving magnesium (which will not help) but can cause diarrhea.Have your dog dog tested for:Cushing's diseaseCauses/Predispositions: Given that tumor incidence increases with age and that tumors are the cause of Cushing's disease, it is logical that Cushing's disease is a problem seen most frequently in middle-aged or older dogs. The average canine Cushing's patient is 10 years old. I have seen literature stating that there is no difference between genders, as well as literature citing that FEMALES are more likely to become Cushingoid. Spayed/neutered dogs may have a slightly greater incidence of Cushing's, as well. Although all breeds are at risk, some breeds reported to be at greater risk include: *POODLE,*** Yorkshire terrier, beagle, Boston terrier, boxer, dachshund, German shepherd dog, golden retriever, Labrador retriever, Scottish terrier, and terriers in general. Pituitary-dependent Cushing's is more common in small dogs, with 75% of cases being in dogs under 20 kilograms (44 pounds). Adrenal-based Cushing's cases, on the other hand, occur 50-55% of the time in dogs under 20 kilograms (44 pounds). Symptoms: Symptoms of Cushing's disease can be vague and varied and tend to appear gradually and progressively. It is thus easy to mistake Cushing's disease for normal aging. Additionally, many of the clinical symptoms are not unique to Cushing's and could reflect a number of other health concerns. The most common symptoms include: • increased/excessive water consumption (polydipsia) • increased/excessive urination (polyuria) • urinary accidents in previously house trained dogs • increased/EXCESSIVE APPETITE (polyphagia)**************************** • appearance of food stealing/guarding, begging, trash dumping, etc.************* • sagging, bloated, pot-bellied appearance • weight gain or its appearance, due to fat redistribution • loss of muscle mass, giving the appearance of weight loss • bony, skull-like appearance of head • exercise intolerance, lethargy, general or hind-leg weakness • new reluctance to jump on furniture or people • excess panting, seeking cool surfaces to rest on • symmetrically thinning hair or baldness (alopecia) on torso • other coat changes like dullness, dryness • slow regrowth of hair after clipping • thin, wrinkled, fragile, and/or darkly pigmented skin • easily damaged/bruised skin that heals slowly • hard, calcified lumps in the skin (calcinosis cutis) • susceptibility to infections (especially skin and urinary) • diabetes, pancreatitis, seizures