Should i let them? Cats and Eating?

Well the thing is i have 2 cats one is 6 months and the other is 7 they have their food bowls always full and in the weekends they get wet canned foot too and like 4 bowls of water in my room and 2 big litter boxes toys.. even catnip... so they have all…

    Should i let them? Cats and Eating?

    Well the thing is i have 2 cats one is 6 months and the other is 7 they have their food bowls always full and in the weekends they get wet canned foot too and like 4 bowls of water in my room and 2 big litter boxes toys.. even catnip... so they have all…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should i let them? Cats and Eating?...

    • Should i let them? Cats and Eating?

      Should i let them? Cats and Eating? General Dog Discussions
      Well the thing is i have 2 cats one is 6 months and the other is 7 they have their food bowls always full and in the weekends they get wet canned foot too and like 4 bowls of water in my room and 2 big litter boxes toys.. even catnip... so they have all they could need they live in my room with me so when i eat they get on the bed with me and eat with me too...should i let them? like all my foods breakfast.. meall and dinner...i could be eating cornflakes and they both eating of my dish or ... chicken or steak and they would come and eat with me all too... i dont know if this is healthy for me could i get somethin or a sickness? they have all their vaccinations and they are strictly indoor never been out and 95% of the time in my room. someone please say me their opinion hehe?wow thats a long answer thanks i ll give them just their food and i ll try going out of my room when i eat then hehe.

      Should i let them? Cats and Eating?

      Should i let them? Cats and Eating? General Dog Discussions
    • Well, if they are vaccinated and never leave the house then the possibility of you getting some ailment from eating with your cats is very small. But, from my own experience, it is better if you teach them not to eat your food now, while there is still hope :) because there`s nothing as annoying as not being able to eat in peace in your own home, so pleaseeeeee, don`t let them, for you own sake! :)))

    • Nooo!! If you are letting your cats eat people food, please stop it. There are many foods that we eat that are harmful and even deadly for cats and dogs I"ll list some of them at the end. Also don't allow your cats to east free range. That means don't allow them to eat whenever they want to. That's a bad idea. It could cause your cat to gain weight and even a few extra pounds on a cat can cause major health problems. My cat became diabetic and it eventually killed her at age 14. Put your cat's on a feeding schedule. Maybe twice a day. There are charts on cat food bags that tell you how much to feed depending on their weight. Find out from your vet if the cats are over weight. I know you don't want your cat to seem hungry but you don't want them to become unhealthy and get sick either. You've started some bad habits that need to be broken right now. They're not gonna starve to death even though it might seem like it. I learned that the hard way. You cats should also be eating different foods. Adult cats shouldn't eat kitten food unless they're pregnant and kittens shouldn't eat adult food. Kitten food has extra nutrients that kittens need and kitten food could make the adult cat fat because of the extra stuff in it. Here's the list:*onions break down red blood cells*milk causes diarrhea in adult cats*alcohol causes brain and liver problems*grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure*Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal*Chocolate can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death*Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. Xylitol can cause an increase in the insulin which will cause the cat's blood sugar to drop.*Fat Trimmings and Bones-Fat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause intestinal upset, with vomiting and diarrhea. And a cat can choke on a bone.*raw eggs can cause food poisoning and can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B.*Raw meats and fish have similar affects as raw eggs and can can cause serious neurological problems and lead to convulsions and coma.*Dog food is formulated for a dog's digestive system. A little here and there is okay but don't make it a habit.*liver can cause vitamin A toxicity and liver can cause vitamin A toxicity. This is a serious condition that can affect your cat's bones. * Too many treats can cause obesity and diabetes. Same goes for humans.*yeast dough can stretch the abdomen and cause severe pain. plus the alcohol in yeast can cause alcohol poisoning.*People medicine for obvious reasons. It's for peopleTo play it safe, just give your cat cat food. I know you love them but you might literally be loving them to death without realizing it. If I drop a small piece of meat on the floor I might let my cat eat it (it keeps me from having to clean it up) but I keep him away from my food. You need to stop letting them eat your food although they enjoy it. If you gave your cat some antifreeze to drink, they would drink it because it's sweet and they like the taste BUT they will die from it. In other words, just because a cat eats something or likes it doesn't mean that it's okay for them to have