What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand?

Dog walking and Lemon aid stands are okay but i want something where i could make some money! And get more customers! Im 14 years old and male! 10 Points for best answer!

    What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand?

    Dog walking and Lemon aid stands are okay but i want something where i could make some money! And get more customers! Im 14 years old and male! 10 Points for best answer!...
    General Dog Discussions : What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand?...

    • What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand?

      What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand? General Dog Discussions
      Dog walking and Lemon aid stands are okay but i want something where i could make some money! And get more customers! Im 14 years old and male! 10 Points for best answer!

      What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand?

      What Buissness can a 14 year old start! Dog walking, Lemon aid stand? General Dog Discussions
    • If you're good at graphic design or graffiti then you could set up a youtube channel or website and start selling your work (one guy in my year did that and he's made quite a bit of cash + increased his "popularity"). One of my friend's is an exellent rock guitarist. He and his band made an album and put it on iTunes. He's 15 and already makes hundreds per year. If your not creative then getting a part-time job like a paper round or waitering is a good choice. Just ask around and see what's avaible. You should find something eventually! :) good luck xp.s. I've recently scored a few babysitting jobs with a few families on my street. If you're good with kids this pays pretty well :)

    • Dog walking is a possibility, but in home or at your home pet sitting is good money. You can charge 15 dollars per pet per day here in my state that is about the rate. May be more or less where you are.It adds up once people know you are responsible and always available. Holidays weekends etc.Put up some flyers in local grooming or vet clinics. Once you get a reputation of being trustworthy, it will become fulltime. I do it only on occasion, and it pays my rent. I have about 5 or 6 repeat customers. It is a BIG responsibility tho. You have to prove that they can trust you with their (family members) pets.Then u can add in things like teaching puppies to walk on a leash, housetraining, sit stay and come. Just the basics. Once you are confident you can train a pet, you can add this to your services and charge for it.You can learn how to do these simple things online. Best of Luck. Work Hard!

    • NOT dog walking, you have to be insured for it and if you're not and something goes wrong the owner and you will be in lots of trouble. Lemon aid stand is good but crap money.Have you thought about maybe making things Christmasy and selling them as gifts? Personalized Christmas stockings, balls, cheap to make and good profits? Hope this helps xx