Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog?

My dog often has beef bones but my chickens seem to like to eat them as much as my dog! I don't think chicken should even eat meat should they?Ok guys I didn't actually meat eating the bones but picking the meat from the bones.

    Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog?

    My dog often has beef bones but my chickens seem to like to eat them as much as my dog! I don't think chicken should even eat meat should they?Ok guys I didn't actually meat eating the bones but picking the meat from the bones....
    General Dog Discussions : Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog?...

    • Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog?

      Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      My dog often has beef bones but my chickens seem to like to eat them as much as my dog! I don't think chicken should even eat meat should they?Ok guys I didn't actually meat eating the bones but picking the meat from the bones.

      Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog?

      Is it normal for chickens to eat bones that are meant for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Bugs are 'meat' you get that right? Plenty of chickens eat bugs. No difference between bugs and beef. Heck read the label of chicken feed. Sooner or later you'll find one that includes meat in the ingredients.

    • Chickens will eat about anything. Bugs, fruit, veggies, dog food. Mine enjoyed watermelon and would actually "dance" in it. lolI fed them bones on a regular basis. Ones I would let the dogs have (large, dense, teeth breaking types) The chickens would pick them clean.

    • chickens are skavengers and will eat anything they can find. If they get the taste for it they will eat their own eggs. they arn't really fussy what they eat you could hand then a chicken carcus and they will have a dig at it. it wont harm them they are pritty hardy creatures. I dont suggest feeding the chickens the bones but it wont hurt them.