got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing?

the dog is vaccinated, it was my dog. she has been vaccinated every year but got bitten by astray dog 1,5 years ago and my dog bit into fingers so bad, 16 wounds, it LOOKS like its healing but its very painful still, and it has been 16 days

    got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing?

    the dog is vaccinated, it was my dog. she has been vaccinated every year but got bitten by astray dog 1,5 years ago and my dog bit into fingers so bad, 16 wounds, it LOOKS like its healing but its very painful still, and it has been 16 days...
    General Dog Discussions : got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing?...

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    • got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing?

      got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing? General Dog Discussions
      the dog is vaccinated, it was my dog. she has been vaccinated every year but got bitten by astray dog 1,5 years ago and my dog bit into fingers so bad, 16 wounds, it LOOKS like its healing but its very painful still, and it has been 16 days

      got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing?

      got bitten by a dog 16 days ago into finger, but it still isnt healing? General Dog Discussions
    • 1. Is the dog vaccinated? If you don't know or don't have access to vet records, go to the ER now to get the rabies vaccine. Rabies is often underrated and isn't cared about because it's not really prevalent in the US/Canada. I'm assuming you live in these areas. 2. Right now at this very second flush it with some hydrogen peroxide over the sink. Then bandage it with some antibiotic cream and some gauze. 3. Is it infected? Is there any kind of puss or fluid leakage from the wound site? Is the area surrounding the bite red and swollen? Do you have a fever? Muscle weakness near the bite? Any abnormal deformities/ bruising/ tenderness to the skin around the bite? If yes to any of these questions, go to the ER tonight and get it looked at. If it's a deep puncture, please go to the ER. They get infected really easily and you could end up losing your finger because of it!

    • i also got bitten by a dog check is the dog vaccinated or not if not get anti-rabies injection fast if ntSounds like it may have gotten a little infected... Clean it with an antiseptic cleaner and put some honey on it. Honey has natural antibacterial cleaning and healing properties. Lightly bandage it so you wont get honey all over everything and so the wound will stay clean. You could also soak the area in some warm Epson Salt water to reduce the soreness.clean 3x a day with peroxide. Bandage while I'm working then keep m open at home.this is all i knowjust have a look at this site it will tell u all d things

    • It would have been a good idea to to to A & E, or your local GP for a course of antibiotics. When I was bitten a few years ago, after cleaning the area, I went to A & E and they gave me a broad spectrum antibiotic for 10 days. And they checked re my tetanus shot situation.Time to see your GP.