3 puppies???

my dog had three puppies. it seems as if the mother doesnt have enough milk.=[when can they be weened and start eating puppy food???

    3 puppies???

    my dog had three puppies. it seems as if the mother doesnt have enough milk.=[when can they be weened and start eating puppy food???...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 puppies???...

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    • 3 puppies???

      3 puppies??? General Dog Discussions
      my dog had three puppies. it seems as if the mother doesnt have enough milk.=[when can they be weened and start eating puppy food???

      3 puppies???

      3 puppies??? General Dog Discussions
    • They need mama's milk or puppy formula for about 4-5 weeks. You need to get a couple bottles and puppy formula (NOT cow's milk).You don't feed them solids till they are close to 4 weeks of age, I believe. You DO need to bottle feed them to supplement for the mama, or they will die if she's lacking in milk.

    • They wont be weined till they are 5 wks old, the mother will begin this at 4 wks and at 8-12 wks they can leave the mother and be adopted out....try to see if you can get some puppy formula from your vet and help her feed the puppies, call your vet...don't let the pups starve...but watch first, i bet she has enough milk, check her teats, and gently squeeze on them, one at a time, if not producing any leakage, call the vet immediately and then you will have to bottle feed.

    • I too just had a litter of puppies. At first my female wasn't producing enough milk to sustain the pups, I have 8. You need to supplement the mother first of all. Start giving her 500mg of tums twice a day. Tums are made from calcium and this will stimulate her to produce milk. Use the TUMS that you would take if you had heart burn yourself. You have to make her eat, eat, eat. Like everyone else said, you can not ween the pups until they are atleast 4-5 weeks old. If you have to give them some sort of milk make sure it is not COW'S MILK. I use GOAT milk for my pups.

    • If mom refuses to feed, put them on a puppy formula for the first 4-5 weeks. Ask your vet if you are unsure on which to feed them. Also, they must be fed every 2-3 hrs, even at night so I hope your up to the job. At 5 wks of age start mixing a little puppy-appropriate food with the formula to start their weaning. As they get older mix less of the formula and more of the puppy food until they are completely weaned. Good Luck!