Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?

When your best old dog died, did you meet another that was almost a clone?In either appearance or personality. Do you look at another dog and say..Wow! That's just 'her/him' all over again..Sometimes I swear they're the same dog!

    Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?

    When your best old dog died, did you meet another that was almost a clone?In either appearance or personality. Do you look at another dog and say..Wow! That's just 'her/him' all over again..Sometimes I swear they're the same dog!...
    General Dog Discussions : Have you ever had a dog that seemed a reincarnation of another?...

    • If only...All the dogs I've had have been origionals. None have ever been remotely the same.If I could have a clone of my golden boy, I would in a heartbeat.

    • I think you have a good point, dogs are used as messengers sometimes, I had to be selfish and give up my dog of twelve years, and find a home while I stay at a Veterans center, for the past four years, recovering from drugs and alcohol, I was at a Va. Hospital, for a class after the group I was out side on a bench head down, hoping for a sign from the man up in the sky, to help me from my depression by sending me a sign that Im doing the right thing and needed some spiritual support, They never have dogs at the hospital, but while on the bench, I felt something nogging I look it was a dog, I talked to the dog telling my problems, when I finished, the dog started talking dog talk like it had problems or understood what I was saying and on it's way it went, which reminded me of two dogs I had when I was younger. It was a blessing.

    • No, I've never experienced that, though I have had many different dogs. They have taught me things that are important to them, like how it's important to be polite to animals. Few people know or think about that.My most extraordinary dog experience - and I've had some, believe me - was with my Norwegian Grey Elghund, Dolly. After she passed away, she kept coming back to me. I'd actually see her out of the corner of my eye. If I did nothing, she'd stay for a while, staring at me intensely with that amused expression she sometimes had. If I turned towards her, she'd be gone. Then one day she looked more serious, didn't wag her tail. Usually, she'd just disappear after some time, but that day she turned and left. I haven't seen her since.I am a skeptic by nature, but Dolly certainly made me rethink a bit. Of course, she WAS just about the most intelligent dog I've had or known, although there have been a couple of dachshunds that have been seriously smart as well.But no reincarnations. Yet.

    • I've had a lot of dogs in my life, and many at the same time when I lived on the farm way back when. I can't say that I think that any of them (or any that I met) were reincarnated from a previous dog, but, they all had one thing in common..........they were/are all my best friends.

    • Well, sort of. My best dog died Dec. 10, 2001. We found and adopted a kitten in early February 2002.... the vet (and I) pegged the kittens birth date being rather close to Brenna's death date. No biggie, right?That cat is a DOG! I'm tellin' ya. It's weird. I enjoy him, though. It's kinda cool having a feline dog to boss around the "real" dogs.I caught on when the cat used to go on car rides with us. On one occasion he was stalling about jumping into the vehicle and I got short with him.... I used a command that I had only used on Brenna, "Load Up!". The cat jumped right into the car and gave me a rather odd look of satisfaction. It was then that I "knew".... and I'm okay with it. Brenna's spirit eventually left the cat. But that cat is still a "dog" as far as he's concerned.

    • No.. I think each animal has his own personality. It is not fair to expect one dog to be like another even if they seem alike. I think God is just as creative with each animal just like he is with people. Although dogs are kinder and more loyal.