How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate?

I own a Labrador mix. He is almost 7 months old. He has been having serious issues with the dog crate. When I first got him, he hated the crate. About two weeks ago, he was finally going in there without any fuss, going to sleep. But now he's going…

    How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate?

    I own a Labrador mix. He is almost 7 months old. He has been having serious issues with the dog crate. When I first got him, he hated the crate. About two weeks ago, he was finally going in there without any fuss, going to sleep. But now he's going…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate?...

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    • How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate?

      How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate? General Dog Discussions
      I own a Labrador mix. He is almost 7 months old. He has been having serious issues with the dog crate. When I first got him, he hated the crate. About two weeks ago, he was finally going in there without any fuss, going to sleep. But now he's going through this weird stage. About 1 week ago or so he escaped by squeezing through the bottom (which had to be extremely painful). He did it a few times after that. So, we put some zip ties on the cage to ensure he wouldn't get out and then he BENT the wire (I can't even do that!) and squeezed his way out. His cage looks destroyed. Keep in mind, he has plenty of room in his crate, because even I can fit in there with ease. It's a large, heavy duty Midwest crate. He literally screams and yelps when he's in the cage like someone is beating him to death! He is a very well behaved puppy, but when I put him in there he acts like he's possessed or abused. You can hear him from outside. Sometimes he keeps my sister and I up. He finally can't get out because we added more zip ties. Here's the thing: I put him in there at about 11 PM (when I go to bed). My mom lets him out at 5:30 AM (she works swing shift) when she gets home from work. He is let out every hour and a half. He gets the right amount of food, and it's a healthy brand. He gets a daily walk (even in the cold weather) plus we have a big yard so he plays fetch. He always has fresh water out always but I take it away at8:30 so he doesn't go potty in his crate (which he had never done before this time). He is healthy, he gets his vet checks. So he has a good life. But last night he peed in his crate and we had to throw out his $40, large bed. When my mom or I first let him out of his crate, he is an OGUR. (Which is understandable because he is so excited) but I have a lot of scratches and bruises from him when I first let him out because he goes absolutely crazy and I have to run to the back door with him before he breaks something. I put treats in his crate and I ignore him. But at this point, what should I do to make him behavior better in his crate? Thanks.His crate is cozy and the room is warm, quiet and comfortable. My other dog goes in there too, but she is quiet and just goes to sleep in her crate. We have to keep them in there or else they'll pee on the carpet. (Which at our old house they practically destroyed the carpet because they would pee on it so much). Also, one times he escaped out of the crate and we forgot to close the door, and he chewed up Chapstick and ate a bunch of food on the counters and ate all of the dog treats we left out. He chewed up the garbage and peed on the carpet, of course. So it's best we keep him in his crate. Btw way, I always let him out and make sure he goes before I put him in the cage.Sorry for all of the additional details, but he is not a hyper dog at all. He is always sleeping if ai'm not playing with him or walking him. He is almost kind of lazy because it's hard to get him off of my bed when he's sleeping! Lol!@Tk maybe you should have read my question, he is in there during the night while we are asleep. 11 Pm-when I go to sleep, and he gets out at 5:30 Am- when my mom comes home from work at the crack of dawn (she works from 7 pm to 5 am). So before you accuse me of animal abuse, please reread. I know it was a misunderstanding, I hope anyway.

      How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate?

      How to punish my dog for acting so crazy in the crate? General Dog Discussions