My dog is itching and turning red?

I was wondering can I use hydrocortisone on my dog. My vet cut to low by my dogs eye and it turned red.

    My dog is itching and turning red?

    I was wondering can I use hydrocortisone on my dog. My vet cut to low by my dogs eye and it turned red....
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is itching and turning red?...

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    • My dog is itching and turning red?

      My dog is itching and turning red? General Dog Discussions
      I was wondering can I use hydrocortisone on my dog. My vet cut to low by my dogs eye and it turned red.

      My dog is itching and turning red?

      My dog is itching and turning red? General Dog Discussions
    • I dont really understand your question, but im assuming your dog is itching from grooming? Never put anything by her eye. You can always give them benedryl, 1mg per pound of body weight.

    • Do not use any chemical near your dog's eye. The previously mentioned suggestion of Benedryl is an excellent one. I safely use it for my dogs whenever they are itchy. Do call your vet tomorrow though to see what they would recommend.