Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days?

I took my dog to the vet and all they gave him was some iv fluids. The iv fluids don't help him every time we do the treatment he starts vomiting. He is a very strong little puppy. He's is only 5 months old. He has also started drinking water by himself…

    Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days?

    I took my dog to the vet and all they gave him was some iv fluids. The iv fluids don't help him every time we do the treatment he starts vomiting. He is a very strong little puppy. He's is only 5 months old. He has also started drinking water by himself…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days?...

    • Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days?

      Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days? General Dog Discussions
      I took my dog to the vet and all they gave him was some iv fluids. The iv fluids don't help him every time we do the treatment he starts vomiting. He is a very strong little puppy. He's is only 5 months old. He has also started drinking water by himself . He also walks by himself and wags his tail. He is does not have diarrhea anymore.Could you please give me some advice.

      Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days?

      Will my dog survive Parvovirus after the first 6 days? General Dog Discussions
    • Parvo is 91% fatal without medical care. Where as with medical care survival rates are between 70-80% depending on the overall health and care of the dog.Continue watching him and taking him to the vet when he needs. If you would of vaccinated him for parvo at 10-12 weeks he would not of had to go through this.