Some questions about pet turtles?

I have 1 dog right now. I love cats but I'm allergic to them. I have two boys. ages 3 and 8. They are wanting for us to bring a new pet into the family. I know I don't want another dog right now, allergic to cats, We've tryed fish but they always die and…

    Some questions about pet turtles?

    I have 1 dog right now. I love cats but I'm allergic to them. I have two boys. ages 3 and 8. They are wanting for us to bring a new pet into the family. I know I don't want another dog right now, allergic to cats, We've tryed fish but they always die and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Some questions about pet turtles?...

    • Some questions about pet turtles?

      Some questions about pet turtles? General Dog Discussions
      I have 1 dog right now. I love cats but I'm allergic to them. I have two boys. ages 3 and 8. They are wanting for us to bring a new pet into the family. I know I don't want another dog right now, allergic to cats, We've tryed fish but they always die and get white growths on them for some reason, We've tryed hampsters and OH my how smelly their cages are after you go a day w/o cleaning it, So I was thinking maybe a small turtle? So here are some questions. Are turtles hard to look after? Do they live under water or need water and a way to get out of the water? Does the tank they are in set up mold and mildew fast? Is it hard (or gorss) cleaning out their tank? What is the good reasons for a pet turtle, and what are the bad things about them? Do yuo think a turtle would be a good pet for two boys 3 and 8 yrs.? if so why? if not why... and what pet would? I know! Lots' of questions I have for you! If yuo take your time to answer thank you soooo much!

      Some questions about pet turtles?

      Some questions about pet turtles? General Dog Discussions
    • NO,most species of turtles are not good pets for children. Yes, the enclosure can be gross and hard to keep clean and it is expensive to set them up properly--if you can't keep fish alive them don't get turtles or tortoises-especially hatchlings as they are even more difficult than adults.

    • Are turtles hard to look after? Yes, turtles and tortoises need a lot of care. They HAVE to be cleaned regularly or the result will be disease and death. If your turtle gets sick the vet bill will be significantly higher than that of a dog or a cat. They also have to have a proper habitat and as your turtle grows your habitat should too! This can be very costly! Here is a link to info about red ear slider care: they live under water or need water and a way to get out of the water? Will it be a turtle or tortoise? Tortoises live on land and should never be left in water. Their swimming skills are limited because they do not have webbed feet. They enjoy soaking in shallow water, but their habitat consists of mainly land. Turtles need mainly water and some land to go dry off on and sun themselves. Since all reptiles are cold blooded they need head lamps to regulated their temperatures and to get the necessary vitamins for their bodies. Here is how to tell if you have a turtle or a tortoise: Turtles- webbed feet, does not have a hinged shell, can not fit it's body completely in it's shell when startled Tortoise- No webbing on feet, has a hinged shell and can completely close itself in itDoes the tank they are in set up mold and mildew fast? If you have a water turtle then the answer is yes. Even with the proper pumps etc. there will be moldIs it hard (or gross) cleaning out their tank? When the turtle is very small the tank will be easier to clean, but as the turtle rapidly grows, and the tank too it can be quite a challenge. I have experienced very disgusting tanks in my day! Imagine the smell of fishy waste that has been sitting for 7 days under a heat lamp!What is the good reasons for a pet turtle, and what are the bad things about them? I love turtles because in nature I feel that they are indestructible. I have kept turtles only as a hobby because it is rare to have a good bond with a reptile. It takes a lot of dedication and time to keep them. If you have time and interest it's the right pet for your family.Do you think a turtle would be a good pet for two boys 3 and 8 yrs.? if so why? if not why... and what pet would? If you plan to take the responsibility on as a family then yes, but if you will leave it up to your boys then definitely NO! 3 is not a good age to be handling an animal that if dropped on a hard surface will die. Also keep in mind that turtles carry salmonella. You have to make sure your boys wash their hands EVERY TIME after they handle the turtle. Another thing to remember is turtles don't interact like a dog or cat would. Your boys are young and may loose interest quickly. Please don't forget about the cost! Remember turtles are lives too so please don't get one and take that for granted as so many do after they buy these little hatchlings. If you plan to take care of this turtle for the rest of your life and possibly your grandchildren's lives if good care is taken then this would be a great thing for your family! Please do your research!