Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis?

My dog is limping after long walks now. She's 11. She used to take doggie glucosamine for her arthritis and I was wondering if I could give her some of mine that I buy at the drugstore.

    Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis?

    My dog is limping after long walks now. She's 11. She used to take doggie glucosamine for her arthritis and I was wondering if I could give her some of mine that I buy at the drugstore....
    General Dog Discussions : Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis?...

    • Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis?

      Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is limping after long walks now. She's 11. She used to take doggie glucosamine for her arthritis and I was wondering if I could give her some of mine that I buy at the drugstore.

      Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis?

      Can I give my dog my human glucosamine pills for her arthritis? General Dog Discussions
    • No, I would NOT do that. Try looking here:

    • Yes, my Vet suggested it to me 2yrs ago for my sheepdog and he's like a puppy again. However he has no other health problems, if your only issue is arthritis and you love your doggie as much as I do GO FOR IT.

    • Yes, you can. It's the same medication, you just want to make sure you are giving her the same dosage that she was getting from the dog version. Make sure you check the label to see how much glucosamine is in EACH PILL, not each dose. For my dog, I can only find 1000 mg pills, but she's on 500 mg a day so I just snap them in half. And the 'human' version is almost half the cost of what you'll get at the vet or the pet store, which is the main reason we recommend people pick up glucosamine for their dogs at their own pharmacy.

    • YES.But you need to ask your vet for the right dosage as it depends on the dogs size.My 115# german shepherd takes one 500 mg glucosamine 400 mg chondroitin capsule twice daily.He"s almost 4 now but injured his knee when he was less than a yr old.All this time he's had a problem with stiffness and days he'd limp for no reason in particular.He's been taking the pills for 4 mos. now and having fewer symptoms.

    • Yes you can My vet actually recomended that before the dog glucosamine was avalible. However I found that ordering G3 chews online was less expensive than buying human Glucosimine tablets at the store and they are easier to give to the dog.

    • No you can never give a dog human medicine. For a start their body shape is very different to yours and as medicine often goes by age (and therefore weight) there is no way that you will be able to get the right dosage.Dogs also have entirely different digestive systems to us so this could be VERY harmful for your dog. You need to see a vet immediately and get proper medicine for your dog.

    • Please try this website. They have their own brands of pet meds and are very informative about the products they carry. They also have an ask a vet section.It is always a good idea to see your vet and ask as many questions as possible

    • Actually, giving human glucosamine for your dog would be perfectly fine if you can get her to eat it. That has to do with the grade of purity used in human product than pet product. Human product has to be at least food grade whereas for animals it only needs to be animal grade (much lower quality. I recommend to all of my customer a product called CetylM (uses only medical grade quality ingredient/the highest) which you can buy through your veterinarian or through the company directly at sure to take the time to look at the video in the dog section of their website, it is amazing.