Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu?

My 5-yr-old Shih Tzu was diagnosed with mild IBD last fall after an endoscopy and colonscopy and put on Hill's Duck and Potato food. Also told to lose 2 lbs. Feeding the recommended amount, he gained 2 pounds in a month, so I reduced his portions. He's…

    Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu?

    My 5-yr-old Shih Tzu was diagnosed with mild IBD last fall after an endoscopy and colonscopy and put on Hill's Duck and Potato food. Also told to lose 2 lbs. Feeding the recommended amount, he gained 2 pounds in a month, so I reduced his portions. He's…...
    General Dog Discussions : Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu?...

    • Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu?

      Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu? General Dog Discussions
      My 5-yr-old Shih Tzu was diagnosed with mild IBD last fall after an endoscopy and colonscopy and put on Hill's Duck and Potato food. Also told to lose 2 lbs. Feeding the recommended amount, he gained 2 pounds in a month, so I reduced his portions. He's continued to gain weight. OFA says he has "mild hip dysplasia." He had never shown any indication of problems. About 1 1/2 yrs ago, he was acting lethargic. My vet ran every test he could after not being able to find a cause. All came back normal. While waiting for the test results, my dog threw up a large piece of a digestible bone and his condition improved immediately. About a month ago, he had a UTI. No stones or cause was found. Since then, he's become increasingly lethargic and stiff but sometimes jumps and plays enthusiastically. Also acts like he has a hard time staying awake. His only med is glucosomine and chondroitin. Could the Hills diet be causing a problem?

      Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu?

      Concern about lethargic Shih Tzu? General Dog Discussions
    • Hi J CI am not sure about the Hills Diet, but as a general principle I vote for the most natural diet you can create - so that means mostly raw meat, with a few veggies and definitely no grains. Also stay well away from unnecessary annual 'vaccinations' which some vets still(!) give. If he had antibiotics for the UTI he may be feeling under the weather...are there doggy pro-biotics available where you are?For Hip Dysplasia I read that generous supplemental Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) can largely prevent it - so it's not just hereditary, but also dietary. You may find more info in the forum below: