What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food?

Do you think it is a good food and why or why not? Please don't just reply with something as simple as "it is crap".

    What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food?

    Do you think it is a good food and why or why not? Please don't just reply with something as simple as "it is crap"....
    General Dog Discussions : What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food?...

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    • What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food?

      What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food? General Dog Discussions
      Do you think it is a good food and why or why not? Please don't just reply with something as simple as "it is crap".

      What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food?

      What is your opinion on Diamond Natural dog food? General Dog Discussions
    • My mother feeds this to her dogs and they really seem to like it. My chihuahua is a picky eater and she likes this food as well. My mothers dogs are healthy and happy, and I think it is a good brand if you can afford it. I know many people will give you many differnet types of food and state that their brand is the best brand, but in my opinion it is like cars, or cereal. We often like what we like for no real reason. My vet told me that a good dog food is one in which the main ingredient is some form of meat, and I feed my dogs the wal-mart brand high protein formula, which has the main ingredient of beef and bone meal. the main ingredient is the first one listed in the list of ingredients. I know there are many varies of dog food that cost alot of money, but I have read alot of labels and many of them, including Iams and Pedigree cite corn or cornmeal as their main ingredient. I would reccommend Diamond if it is in your price range, otherwise I would read the labels of the food in your price range and feed the one with meat listed as the first ingredient, because wild dogs do not hunt for corn, lol. Good Luck!