I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside?

2 dogs, 4 cats, and 1 hamster, would the bunny get scared by all the noises? And would it be better in a hutch outside or a cage inside?

    I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside?

    2 dogs, 4 cats, and 1 hamster, would the bunny get scared by all the noises? And would it be better in a hutch outside or a cage inside?...
    General Dog Discussions : I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside?...

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    • I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside?

      I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside? General Dog Discussions
      2 dogs, 4 cats, and 1 hamster, would the bunny get scared by all the noises? And would it be better in a hutch outside or a cage inside?

      I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside?

      I have 7 animals, do I keep a Dwarf bunny inside or outside? General Dog Discussions
    • I have 4 dogs a cat,3 cocktails,and a parrot along with a rabbit.At first the rabbit might be scared of the noise but after a while it will adapt and not really care.Best thing to do is to put the rabbit in a room and see how it reacts.If it is scared move it out side or to another room.

    • Lots of people keep rabbits inside with a variety of pets. I would be very cautious and not leave your rabbit alone with the dogs; however, rabbits and cats tend to get along very well. But there is always a risk because of the fact that dogs and cats are predators naturally, and rabbits are prey.Is there a room in your house that is not used often by your other pets? Such as a bedroom etc. I would place the rabbit in an indoor cage in that room. But remember, that rabbit will need to be let out at least two hours a day ideally.Ask your vet for the best ways to introduce the rabbit to its new suroundings and family. The rabbit can cope with other animals.However, if you have yet decided on a bunny to get, I would advice a much larger breed, if not a giant rabbit. As the smaller a rabbit is, the more fragile it is, and I'd worry very much about a small bunny with all those carnivore animals.Good LuckRaych