How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP?

My dog is a male japanese chin dog. (13.5 months old). When he turned 1 year old, we bought a new sofa and he started to pee everywhere. He used to pee in his usual spot. But i thought because the sofa is new, so he'll eventually stop. But i was wrong.…

    How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP?

    My dog is a male japanese chin dog. (13.5 months old). When he turned 1 year old, we bought a new sofa and he started to pee everywhere. He used to pee in his usual spot. But i thought because the sofa is new, so he'll eventually stop. But i was wrong.…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP?...

    • How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP?

      How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a male japanese chin dog. (13.5 months old). When he turned 1 year old, we bought a new sofa and he started to pee everywhere. He used to pee in his usual spot. But i thought because the sofa is new, so he'll eventually stop. But i was wrong. He is continually peeing everywhere and also in a very fast rate. I tried all the ways such as praising, supervising, clear the scent. I mean why does he suddenly do this. He started humping at 7 months old, but stopped about 1 month later cause i trained him. So it probably isn't because he's in puberty or smth. i pretty pissed by now. Now, is only neuter the only way? But i don't really want to neuter him because my vet doesn't encourage it and it also hurts when i have to apply medication after the surgery. Also, i make him know im the boss. He just doesn't get it. Moreovermoreover, i bought the spray already and the belly band doesnt work. PLZ HELP! =(also, when he found out that i found out that he marked in the house, he goes to hide. i mean if he knows it is wrong, why does he still do it?for the medication, it is just like putting medicine on the wound and i live in a apartment in a city so i cant just bring him out to pee. and yes i do use the pads thingy. Also, is it too late to neuter?

      How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP?

      How to prevent my dog from marking in the house? HELP? General Dog Discussions
    • If you have allowed him to empty indoors, using pee pads or the like, then this is the result. He may of course, have a UTI or bladder stones which your vet can rule out (and should before you get into housetraining) but basically you are now facing what should have been done when he first came to you, from day one. And reducing to having to use belly bands - nonsense!Take him out every couple of hours, which should be possible for him to hold for given his age now. You need to reduce the NEED for him to be emptying all the time. When you can't do this, or supervise him, crate him. But only for the same couple of hours, extending as you get to learn what he can and can't physically cope with. Only correct when you catch him in the act - NO! straight outside - and praise when he goes out there. If you find a mistake, clean it up thoroughly, without comment. He will be watching your body language.Don't rule out this being because of his having reached puberty much as that would happen at around 7 months. And don't rely on castration to sort this out. If you do, you may be disappointed. Castration only prevents puppies - other than for medical reasons, the only thing that works is training!! Prevention.For the record, although I only castrate for medical reasons, this is a very simple surgery and I'm not quite sure what you are saying with applying medication after the surgery!

    • Owning a dog requires some time and effort on your part. If he is a puppy, or even if he is not, after he has taken a drink of water, withing 15 minutes take him for a walk. Let him go outside and praise him when he does. Walk him until he has emptied his bladder, you will know this when he lifts his leg to mark and nothing comes out. Then take him back indoors. Do this also after he has eaten. Within a few weeks he will learn not to go indoors, but if you leave a dog too long without access to the outdoors, it has to go somewhere.