I wont leave my pets behind!!?

I need to fix my marriage and go back to my country. I've found out that his attitude towards me is so negative that it makes me physically and emotionally sick. But I have my 2 dogs and my cat, my most loved pets that mean the world to me, and I can't…

    I wont leave my pets behind!!?

    I need to fix my marriage and go back to my country. I've found out that his attitude towards me is so negative that it makes me physically and emotionally sick. But I have my 2 dogs and my cat, my most loved pets that mean the world to me, and I can't…...
    General Dog Discussions : I wont leave my pets behind!!?...

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    • I wont leave my pets behind!!?

      I wont leave my pets behind!!? General Dog Discussions
      I need to fix my marriage and go back to my country. I've found out that his attitude towards me is so negative that it makes me physically and emotionally sick. But I have my 2 dogs and my cat, my most loved pets that mean the world to me, and I can't imagine myself living without them. I have no friends or relatives here who I can trust to foster them for awhile, until I can bring my stuff together again.I need some advice please!

      I wont leave my pets behind!!?

      I wont leave my pets behind!!? General Dog Discussions
    • There are plenty of people who will foster in their home. They know its temporary and they won't keep your cat.You need to call some shelter and vets and ask for a list or to be referred to any available places. It's amazing how much we get attatched to our pets,isn't it? They become one of the family and kinda like our babies in no time!! ♥

    • To be honest you do not have many options:You can leave your animals in a kennel, give them away(sorry for even bringing that up), or you can take them with you.If you do decide to take them with you: I moved to another country and I took my cats with me. I had to call the animal and plant health inspection service, to which you must take your animals 10 days before your flight to a vetinary so they can give you a certificate of health inspection and within those 10 days you must go to your local APHIS (which would probably be located near the airport) and schedule an appointment, where there they approve/verify the certificate given by the vet and you pay a fee. Before you take your animals to the vet, you must call them to ask them what requirements must be met for your animals to enter your country of choice. For instance to enter an animal to europe you must get them a pet passport. once you fly with your animals, and you get to the airport of the destination, you will be met with the countries animal regulations departments, whose name varies with each country, there you must pay an entry fee for each animal. When and if you return to the united states, you have to check with the exiting country's requirements, and contact them prior to your flight. The only downfall with this choice is that flying is not pleasant for the animals, so i recomend not doing it unless its a must. As for the price, its probably the same amount as having them in a kennel, if not less expensive. My country's requirement was a breeze, they didnt ask for much, just a rabies shot, the total price for everything: Rabies shot 20 dollars+ 20 dollars certificate of health from vet. + 30 dollars approaval from APHIS + 35 travel box thing + 150 dollars for airline ticket = $ 255 USD (i used an animal shelter for shots, etc, because they are cheaper)

    • Dear Wii,I am a bit confused but I'll try my best. If his attitude is sooo negative towards you why are you trying to fix it. He apparently is the one with the problem but this is something for another site. For your pets there are many different types of rescues and NO KILL shelters. The regular ASPCA is over run with animals with many pets that had to be turned in during the financial crash. You can go on line and enter cat or dog rescues and your town and state and you should get a list of rescues for either the dogs or your cat. Personally I would stay and pick my pets if this is financially able for you, but this is just my unsolicited advice since I wouldn't want to live with someone who feels negative about me and he probably doesn't like your pets either. Another option would be to kennel your pets which would be expensive and in my opinion a sad state for your pets since you have no time frame. Sounds like you'd be better off going forward with your pets instead of trying to fix something that makes you physically sick, and if you take your pets they will pick up the tension and their life will not be good either. I hope this is of some help to you.